others calls for proposals
102nd Public Notice
Year 2008
1 - Project: Numia Kurá (which means "group of women" in Tukano) - Valuing the work of indigenous women
Organization: AMARN - Association of Indigenous Women of the Upper Rio Negro - AM
Amount donated: R$ 15,000.00
AMARN works along three main lines. Political articulation, education and culture, production and marketing of handicrafts (with tucum fiber). For the production and marketing of handicrafts, women receive training that responds to specific demands. The aim is to make them entrepreneurs and economically independent. In addition to handicrafts, the activities include political coordination with the Içana River communities.
2 - Project: Seminar to Strengthen Policies for Baniwa and Coripaco Indigenous Women
Organizations: Associação das Artesãs do Médio Içana - AAMI in partnership with the União das Mulheres Indígenas do Rio Ayari-UMIRA and the Associação das Mulheres Indígenas do Baixo Içana-AMIBI - AM
Amount donated: R$ 15,000.00
Each group of Indigenous Women's associations has similar objectives and only represents different areas of women's groups and each has its own experiences and history and struggles for the sole purpose of guaranteeing women's rights. There are three specific women's associations that have been looking for ways to solve their social problems because they face many difficulties in terms of money to buy goods. They are all affiliated to FOIRN - Federation of Indigenous Organizations of the Rio Negro.
3 - Project: Situation of Quilombola Women in agro-extractivism and the solidarity economy
Organization: IMENA - Instituto de black women do Amapá
Amount donated: R$ 15,000.00
From 1999, they began to give visibility to black women in Macapá, to talk about their needs and talents and to strengthen the black women movement in Amapá, including the rural black women . They began to take action to confront racism, sexism and machismo, in the quest to guarantee their rights. They set up IMENA and joined various networks: Articulation of black women Brasileiras - AMNB; Articulated Movement of Women of the Forest - MAMA; Articulation of Women of Amapá - AMA; National Feminist Health Network; Network of Women Entrepreneurs of the Amazon - RMERA.
4 - Project: Domestic Workers Building Citizenship
Organization: Association of Domestic Workers of Campina Grande - PB
Amount: R$ 15,000.00
In 2006, the Association's membership was practically made up of retired women, with fewer than 10. To overcome this challenge, the Association formed a partnership with the Cultural Action Centre - CENTRAC to carry out a professional qualification process for domestic workers with the aim of strengthening the organization.
This partnership and the training and qualification process included modular courses on labour and social security rights, cooking and basic IT courses and technical, legal and political advice. These actions were aimed at guiding, motivating and mobilizing women in the fight for the realization of the rights already guaranteed by law and the rights to be won and the accession of new members.
5 - Project: Women, Work, Art and Voice
Organization: Nucleus of Popular Women Jurists of the Tibiri ll Neighbourhood
City: Santa Rita (João Pessoa) - State PB
Amount: R$ 15,000.00
The nucleus of popular jurists is a movement organized by women leaders in the community after a popular legal training course offered by the Margarida Maria Alves Foundation. At the end of the course, they felt the need to keep in touch with jurists from other municipalities, and formed the network of popular jurists, which operates in the municipalities of: João Pessoa, Bayeux, Forte Velho and Santa Rita. The municipality of Santa Rita is the only one that from the outset has been made up of women only and has worked directly with women in the community with the aim of debating women's human rights and citizenship. Over the course of the process, the nucleus has become stronger, and in addition to the thematic workshops, we have started to offer practical and productive workshops.
6 - Project: Women and Land: Rights to be won
Organization: Wonder Woman Group
City: Recife State : PE
Amount donated: R$ 15,000.00
Created in 1975, the GMM operates in the Nova Descoberta neighbourhood, on the outskirts of Recife and in the semi-arid territory of Sertão do Pajeú. It was born in the context of the expansion and political affirmation of social movements, in the struggle for the reorganization and articulation of community movements and for democracy, where some women from the neighbourhood, already involved in those movements, began to discuss the situation of women in the home and in the community, the country's problems and their roots, looking for concrete solutions.
7 - Project: black women and the World of Work
Organization: Women's Citizenship Group
City: Recife - PE
Amount: R$ 15,000.00
The Women's Citizenship Group is a feminist non-governmental organization that has been active since 2002. It is a member of the Municipal Council for Children and Adolescents - COMDICA, a member of the Collegiate Coordination of the Women's Forum of Pernambuco, a member of the State Women's Council, the Articulation of black women and the Black Observatory.
The women of Cidadania Feminina perform the "Whistle" when a woman is in a situation of violence so that the aggressor is intimidated by the knowledge that he will be denounced and the woman is strengthened by not being alone, knowing that there is a support network in the community. The whistle is used as an instrument of denunciation. This initiative won the Jornal o Globo - Making a Difference/2007 award, in the country category.
8 - Project: Northeastern Women in the Construction of a Solidarity Economy and Labor Rights
Organization: YAMI - Women's Theological Center for Feminist Studies - Salvador - BA
Amount: R$ 15,000.00
The Ecumenical Theological Center for Feminist Studies was created in 1992 as a space for theological reflection based on the socio-cultural and religious reality of northeastern women, prioritizing black, Indian and impoverished women. Although Yami's priority is to fill the gap that exists with these social subjects, it also integrates and makes no distinction from other feminist production groups. It is an ecumenical group, and its members belong to a variety of religious denominations (Presbyterian, Baptist, Methodist, Spiritist, Catholic, African and indigenous).
9 - Project: Building Citizenship with Economic Autonomy for Women
Organization: Women's Training and Advisory Centre
City: Fortaleza - CE
Amount: R$ 15,000.00
Founded in October 2003, the institution was created from the political articulation of various segments of women, such as: young university students, educators, liberal workers and trade unionists. Feminist movement activists, they saw the need to organize an institution that would contribute to the training and organization of women from the outskirts of Fortaleza and the rural areas of the state of Ceará based on feminist principles.
10 - Values of Equality: Economic Justice for Women
Organization: Association of Victorious Women of Maceió - AL
Amount: R$ 15,000.00
The Association of Victorious Women of Maceió is a private, non-profit organization, founded on March 8, 2007, structured to encourage full female emancipation and the participation of women, both representative and direct, in the process of economic, political, cultural, social and sporting transformation.
Among its aims is the defense and protection of women's individual and collective interests; encouraging the development and full exercise of women's citizenship, especially their political participation. They provide advice for the promotion of women in the political, economic, employment and income generation, self-esteem enhancement, social and cultural sectors.