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others calls for proposals

112nd Public Notice

Year 2009


Seven groups were selected for the XI Project Competition, which was held with the support of UNIFEM. The social investment totaled R$86,700.00. In this edition, the projects are for young women's organizations and groups that promote the appreciation of art and culture and economic independence.


Organization: Brazilian Articulation of Young Feminists
Project: Young Feminists, Culture and Communication
Location: Capitals and Metropolitan Regions - São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Minas Gerais, Espírito Santo, Roraima, Amazonas, Bahia, Ceará, Paraíba, Pernambuco and the Federal District
Objective: To form a broad communication network that, mediated by symbolic, media and argumentative language, will articulate with the other actions of the Brazilian Articulation of Young Feminists and the Latin American and Caribbean Feminist Movement, with a dynamic that favors political and social articulations.
Amount: R$ 15,606.00

Organization: Applebum - DJs Mulheres
Project: Hip Hop de Salto
Location: São Paulo - SP
Objective: To support the integration, appreciation and importance of women in every element of hip hop, promoting their self-esteem and socio-cultural development. To promote the importance of Hip Hop as a tool and instrument for transformation, social inclusion and the discovery of new talents.
Amount: R$ 8,670.00


Organization: Centro Cultural Bàjó Ayó
Project: Awo
Location: Santa Rita and João Pessoa - PB
Objective: Greater visibility and strengthening of the institution through the project and, at the same time, to include more and more adolescents from the community in actions that contribute directly to their social lives.
Amount: R$ 11,617.80


Organization: Rede Gaúcha Feminista de Jovens Negras
Project: Negras Quilombolas e Batuqueiras
Location: Porto Alegre - RS
Objective: To establish a discussion and training group where political, social and cultural tools lead to the training of young quilombola and urban leaders.
Amount: R$ 12,138.00


Organization: CAMTRA - Casa da Mulher Trabalhadora
Project: Young Women Sharing Experiences in the Formation of their Rights
Location: Metropolitan Region of Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Objective: To contribute to the self-organization of 30 young women, through the strengthening and formation of women's leadership. The project also aims to disseminate information to 150 young women on topics such as sexuality, violence against women, unplanned pregnancy, beauty standards, gender, racism and homophobia.
Amount: R$ 15,606.00


Organization: Organization of black women ATIVAS
Project: Rosas Negras
Location: Belo Horizonte - MG
Objective: To develop a campaign to popularize black feminism, from the perspective of young women, through the distribution of a training kit built on the recognition of the significant importance of the history of black women and the differentiated trajectory of these women within the feminist movement.
Amount: R$ 14,392.20


Organization: Brasil Style Bgirls
Project: Brasil Bgirlism
Location: Brasília and Vale do Amanhecer Planaltina - DF
Objective: To alert society, especially young women, to gender inequality. To introduce the perspective of gender and cultural production into the Hip Hop universe, encouraging the practice of Breaking among the female public, publicizing it and contributing to the strengthening and professionalism of women in Hip Hop Culture.
Amount: R$ 8,670.00