See others calls for proposals
162nd Public Notice
Year 2013
The 16th ELAS Social Investment Fund competition, in partnership with the Avon Institute and UN Women, aims to strengthen, through financial and technical support, groups of young and adult women working to combat violence against women in communities in Rio de Janeiro. The main focus will be on tackling the possible causes of this violence and the action takes place as a continuation of the "Live Tomorrow" Fund. This Avon initiative has already allocated R$1.5 million to 14 socio-cultural projects nominated by independent resellers. One of the significant results of the Viva o Amanhã Fund was the reduction from 44% to 13% in the number of men who committed some kind of physical violence against their partners in low-income communities in Rio de Janeiro.
The competition is based on the belief that work to promote and act against violence, involving women and young people, allows new attitudes to be redefined, positively influencing gender equality, human respect and the formation of a culture of peace.
Objectives of the competition:
To strengthen institutionally, through financial support and training, groups or organizations of women activists, young people and adults, who develop initiatives focused on the issue of violence against women in pacified and/or low-income communities in the metropolitan region of Rio de Janeiro (Greater Rio).
Lines of support/focus of the proposals:
The response to violence against women needs to be seen more broadly and, for this reason, projects will be evaluated that focus on the causes of violence and use a variety of strategies to combat it. Projects/proposals focusing on the following themes will therefore be evaluated:
Social mobilization: promoting informative and preventive actions against domestic violence against women; fostering dialogue and broadening understanding about domestic violence and the Maria da Penha Law; carrying out training activities and disseminating women's rights to a life without violence; activities that promote an environment of harmony between the sexes and that call on men to fight for an end to violence against women*.
Income Generation: income generation projects aimed at promoting women's economic independence;
Use of sport, communication, art and culture tools to promote an environment of harmony and peace in the communities involved.
Campaigns to end violence against women: communication and dissemination activities on the subject of violence against women in the community; dissemination of innovative strategies in Rio de Janeiro communities that encourage the creation of a new awareness of peace, including involving men, especially young men*.
Political training, advocacy in spaces of power and social control: activities to demand rights and public policies for women in the field of combating violence against women; networking with other women's, feminist and human rights networks on the issue of combating violence against women; strengthening women's organizations, groups and associations to exercise social control over public policies.
Free exercise of sexuality and women's autonomy over their bodies; promotion of the free exercise of their sexual and reproductive rights.
The 16th ELAS Social Investment Fund competition, in partnership with the Avon Institute and UN Women, aims to strengthen, through financial and technical support, groups of young and adult women working to combat violence against women in communities in Rio de Janeiro. The main focus will be on tackling the possible causes of this violence. A total of 11 projects were selected for a grant totaling R$ 300,000.
1 - Project: Young Women in the Fight against the Various Forms of Violence in the Baixada Fluminense - Areas of Social Mobilization and Political Training: Main Objective: To continue the actions against violence of the Baixada Youth Nucleus. Activities: 2 training meetings with young people and 3 specific activities to combat violence against women in the Baixada Fluminense.
Organization: CAMTRA - Casa da Mulher Trabalhadora - Centro
2 - Project: Building Movements: Social Mobilization Area. Main objective: to expand and strengthen actions to combat violence against women in the municipality of São Gonçalo. Activities: Intersectoral debate, training courses for professionals from various sectors and community leaders, training course for rights councillors, integration workshops for women victims of violence, project closing seminar.
Organization: São Gonçalo Women's Movement
3 - Project: Citizenship and Combating Violence against Women in Pacified Communities. Area: Social Mobilization. Main objective: to promote the qualification of women from pacified communities (Pavão Pavãozinho, Tavares Bastos and Formiga) with the exercise of horizontal leadership to create communication strategies and political participation. Activities: training workshop with leaders, and 9 more workshops on the subject (3 in each community).
Organization: CEPIA - Flamengo
4 - Project: Empowerment of Women in Urucânia. Area: Political Training. Main objective: to train, mobilize and encourage women from the Ukraine community in Santa Cruz to participate in social control of violence against women. Activities: workshops on topics related to violence, construction of a campaign, participation in social control spaces.
Organization: COMZO - West Zone Women's Council
5 - Project: Obirin Odara Women Warriors against Violence.
Area: Social Mobilization. Main objective: to empower and mobilize the women who attend the terreiro and the surrounding community against violence. Activities: drawing up a diary on the situation of violence, partnerships with public bodies, workshops against violence and on women's rights, dialogue table with municipal authorities.
Organization: Ile Omolu Oxum - São João de Meriti
6- Project: For Life For Peace: A community campaign by Radio Mulher. Area: Campaigns. Main objective: to engage Radio Mulher in a community environment for a culture of peace and the eradication of violence against women in the community. Activities: expanding the team, creating the campaign, calling on other community radio stations to promote a culture of peace.
Organization: Ass. de Mulheres do Morro do Alemão
7 - Project: Art, Culture and Youth Citizenship. Areas: Communication, Art and Culture. Main objective: to get each young person taking part in the project to reflect on their body/identity, their relationships with others and with the community, fostering their development based on human rights. Activities: Gender and Human Rights seminar with young people, workshops to create songs committed to violence against women, workshops to create interactive skits and graffiti art workshops, final evaluation event.
Organization: JC3 Institute Association - São Gonçalo
8 - Project: Changing Heads, Bodies and Fields. Area: Sport. Main objective: to promote a community campaign with female soccer professionals as ambassadors for ending violence against women in Rio de Janeiro, with the aim of creating opportunities for them to learn about the issue and spread the word about it. Activities: training workshops will be held with the players in partnership with experts in the field (Partners of America, Boas de Bola, Instituto Promundo and Instituto Bola pra Frente).
Organization: Grupo Guerreiras - Copacabana
9 - Project: Tide of Flavors. Area: Income Generation. Main objective: to help improve the lives of women from 16 communities in the Maré neighborhood through professional training in the area of gastronomy. Activities: human rights workshops, gastronomy workshops, acquisition of utensils to set up a buffet.
Organization: Maré Development Networks Association
0 - Project: Empowered Matriarchy: Women of Vidigal against Gender Violence. Area: Social Mobilization, Political Training and Culture. Main objective: to increase participants' capacity to prevent and confront gender violence. Activities: thematic workshops related to gender violence, body expression workshops, brush art, Maria da Penha bingo, closing seminar.
Organization: AMAR - Association of Women of Action and Reaction - Vidigal
11 - Project: Women, Culture and the Creative Economy. Area: Social mobilization. Main objective: to boost the capacity of women entrepreneurs in the community and neighboring communities. Activities: 3 meetings divided into workshops, lectures and consultations with partners from other organizations that have the necessary expertise to develop the proposal.
Organization: Trajetória - Cidade de Deus
1º - In the questionnaire, men were asked if they had committed the following behaviors, and women were asked if they had suffered the following behaviors: throwing something in her direction that could hurt her, pushing her, punching her, hitting her with something, kicking her, kicking or pecking her, dragging her, pulling her hair, trying to hang or strangle her and trying to burn her or burning her.
2º - In the questionnaire, men were asked if they had committed the following behaviors, and women were asked if they had suffered the following behaviors: insulting or cursing, humiliating, threatening, threatening to use a firearm against her.

