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others calls for proposals

172nd Public Notice

Year 2013


With the support of the UN Women Gender Equality Fund, the XVII Project Competition will support eight unions of domestic workers in Brazil, as well as the National Federation of Domestic Workers. The initiative is a partnership with Themis Assessoria Jurídica e Estudos de Gênero. R$436,000.00 will be invested directly for projects of up to 16 months' duration.



1 - Project name: Domestic Workers Seeking + Citizenship
Organization: Pelotas Domestic Workers' Union - RS
Objective: To provide domestic workers with the opportunity to access training in order to better position themselves in their daily lives.
Approved Amount: R$ 46,000.00

 2 - Name of Project: Strengthening the Domestic Workers' Union of the State of Acre
Organization: Domestic Workers' Union - Rio Branco - AC
Objective: To contribute to the discussion on the situation of domestic workers in Acre society, contributing to the appreciation, social recognition and professional qualification of the category.
Approved Amount: R$ 46,000.00 

3 - Name of Project: Domestic Workers - Building Knowledge and Strengthening Trade Union Action.
Organization: Union of Domestic Workers of João Pessoa and Region - PB
Objective: To strengthen the social and political organization of the union of domestic workers of João Pessoa and region.
Approved Amount: R$ 46,000.00

4 - Name of Project: For the Rights of Domestic Workers in Brazil.
Organization: Union of Domestic Workers of the Municipality of Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Objective: To give visibility to the union, creating new communication mechanisms, generating income, empowering domestic workers through political and union training, and engaging in the fight for the regulation of the constitutional amendment of the Domestic Workers' PEC.
Approved Amount: R$ 46,000.00

5 - Project Name: Knowing and Socializing Information.
Organization: Union of Domestic Workers of the State of Sergipe - Aracaju / SE
Objective: To strengthen the training and information process for domestic workers in the state of Sergipe.
Approved Amount: R$ 46,000.00

6 - Name of Project: Expanding Knowledge and Empowering Domestic Workers
of the State of Pernambuco.
Organization: Union of Domestic Workers of the State of Pernambuco Recife / PE.
Objective: To expand and strengthen the organization and political training of domestic workers in relation to awareness of rights and the importance of collective organization to guarantee rights and appreciation of work in law and in life.
Approved Amount: R$ 46,000.00

7 - Project Name: Training and Guidance for Domestic Workers.
Organization: Domestic Workers' Union of Campinas, Valinhos, Paulinia, Hortolândia and Sumaré - Campinas / SP
Objective: To continue the Union's work more effectively, especially with regard to the equalization of rights under amendment 72/13 and ILO convention 189.
Approved Amount: R$ 46,000.00

8 - Name of Project: Paying the Bills
Organization: Union of Domestic Workers of the State of Paraná Curitiba / PR
Objective: To strengthen the union by promoting the minimum infrastructure necessary for the proper performance of the work of supporting domestic workers.
Approved Amount: R$ 46,000.00


Special Category:

Project Name: Domestic Workers Network
Organization: FENATRAD - National Federation of Domestic Workers / National Council of Domestic Workers - Salvador / BA
Objective: To strengthen and give visibility to the struggle of domestic workers in Brazil by creating a communication network and exchanging
information on the rights and achievements of the category and the search for equality, as well as expanding partnerships with the various segments of society.
Approved Amount: R$ 68,000.00


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