See others calls for proposals
182nd Public Notice
Year 2013
With the support of the MAC Aids Fund, the XVIII Call for Projects will support five groups and organizations of women living with HIV/Aids, female sex workers, black women, working to fight the HIV/Aids epidemic in communities located in municipalities in the states of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. R$100,000.00 will be invested directly for projects lasting up to 8 months.
Project name: Red flowers. Art and citizenship of women with HIV/Aids in Brazil
Name of organization: MNCP - Movimento Nacional das Cidadãs Posithivas
Objective: To produce a video-documentary that is intended to be a tool for communicating and strengthening the work of women with HIV/Aids in the state of São Paulo, as well as in Brazil, in responding to the HIV/Aids epidemic.
Amount invested: R$ 20,000.00
Name of project: Prostitution and HIV/AIDS - the contemporary scene of partnerships and challenges
Name of organization: DA VIDA - Prostitution, Civil Rights, Health
Objective: To promote a public debate informing about the contemporary challenges of promoting actions in education and prevention of STD/AIDS among prostitutes.
Amount invested: R$ 20,000.00
Name of project: Mais Mulher
Name of organization: Rede Nacional de Pessoas Vivendo com HIV/Aids - Núcleo Catanduva
Objective: To offer HIV-positive women a space for listening and care, where they can reflect together and talk about the suffering they experience as a result of treatment, and the alternatives and ways of overcoming it.
Amount invested: R$ 20,000.00
Name of project: Women's Health in the Terreiro and prevention of STD/AIDS/Hepatitis
Name of organization: Women's group of the ILE AXE OMO ODE Association
Objective: To encourage Leadership women in the qualified debate on (state) actions to prevent STD/HIV/AIDS/Hepatitis, and to promote and provide health care.
Amount invested: R$ 20,000.00
Name of project: Meeting of Positive Women of Rio de Janeiro: for an end to inequality and for equality in promoting the sexual and reproductive rights of women living with HIV/AIDS
Name of organization: MNCP-RJ - Movimento Nacional das Cidadãs Posithivas do Rio de Janeiro
Objective: To promote a meeting of PositHivas women in Rio de Janeiro. Initially, an educational proposal will be adopted in the field of confrontation policies related to the STD/HIV/AIDS epidemic.
Amount invested: R$ 20,000.00