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others calls for proposals

22nd Public Notice

Year 2003


Twenty-three projects were selected in the Fund's 2nd Project Competition, held with the support of the Ford Foundation. The social investment totaled R$91,705.00. In this edition, the projects are from women's organizations and groups that promote increased access to education, encourage sports activities and promote economic independence.


Organization: Flor Mulher Group

Project: Health and Citizenship

Location: Santa Rita -PB

Objective: To contribute to the organization of women in the Tibiri II, Marcos Moura and Loteamento neighbourhoods in João Pessoa, PB, strengthening women's struggles; to mobilize women politically to combat domestic violence and discrimination against women; to discuss gender issues and propose public policies in line with the recommendations of the International Conferences on Women.

Value: R$4.121,00



Organization: AGAR - Theological Society of black women

Project: Beautifying the Look

Location: Duque de Caxias - RJ

Objective: The aim is to monitor adolescents in a socio-educational internment measure at Educandário Santos Dumont, the only female deprivation of liberty unit. The impoverishment of a large portion of the population and their consequent social exclusion, neglect, abandonment by the school, the community and society in general, can become a risk and vulnerability factor for these developing beings in this delicate period of their life cycle.

Value: R$5.750,00



Organization: Salgueiro Community Centre

Project: Agbara Iabás Dandaras

Location: São Gonçalo - RJ

Objective: To help build a women's group in the community by reflecting on the practice of violence against women and looking for concrete ways to overcome it; to gain knowledge about alternative food to apply in the treatment of child malnutrition in the neighborhood, especially for women who survive on leftover food from the Sanitary Dump near the community; to learn about the laws that deal with Women's Rights.

Value: R$4.815,00



Organization: IMENA - Instituto de black women do Amapá

Project: Borí Obirín

Location: Macapá - AP

Objective: The aim is to improve the quality of life of 26 black women artisans from the Bacaba Women's Organization in the Quilombola Community of Curiaú, on the outskirts of Macapá, by providing new options for generating work and income from their own skills, equipping them with new techniques and encouraging them to form a production group.

Value: R$4.140,00



Organization: Mandinga de Mulher Group

Project: Customizing clothes

Location: Salvador - BA

Objective: The aim is for women to take ownership of their condition as subjects, capable of recognizing the very problems that create obstacles to their lives and those of their families, and creating possibilities for dealing with them. Since the ability to generate income is seen as one of the factors that leverage this process, the main goal is to organize productive groups by holding recycling and clothing customization workshops for women.

Value: R$3.733,00



Organization: Senhora Sant'Ana Mothers' Club

Project: Hope

Location: Valença - RJ

Objective: To improve the socialization of the most impoverished, needy and abandoned women in the community, increasing their universe of thought, positioning, acceptance, health, professional training, self-esteem, accompanying them in the physical, affective, religious and educational aspects. It works as occupational therapy, creating financial independence, helping with the family budget, getting to know and taking better care of their own bodies and raising their self-esteem.

Value: R$3.000,00



Organization: Cooperativa de Padeiras do Cantagalo

Project: Bread and Life

Location: Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Objective: To help generate and/or increase the income of women heads of household, with children under the age of 18, who live in the community and are at social risk, inserting them into the job market, and also into society, enabling them to fully exercise their rights as women and citizens.

Value: R$ 5.660,00



Organization: Oficina do Sabor

Project: Arte Buffet

Location: Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Objective: To contribute to the training of women from the community and surrounding areas, with a view to generating income and entering the job market; to develop a sense of citizenship; to encourage sociability among the group, integrating them during the activities; to reinforce self-esteem by valuing women; to transmit management knowledge for the organization of small businesses and to create new life prospects.

Value: R$ 3.814,00



Organization: Cais do Parto

Project: Signs of Life

Location: Olinda - PE

Objective: From a perspective of gender, empowerment and sustainability, both from an economic point of view and from a political and socio-cultural point of view, to help give visibility to traditional Brazilian midwives and their work.

Value: R$ 4.000,00



Organization: Grupo Umas e Outras

Project: Women's Cultural Center

Location: São Paulo - SP

Objective: The aim of the project is to have a public place for lesbian women to meet for cultural, social and information-sharing activities, promoting integration between them and improving the self-esteem of a significant proportion of these women who suffer from the difficulty of socializing.

Value: R$ 4.700,00



Organization: Coletivo de black women Esperança Garcia

Project: Social Reparation For black women

Location: Teresina - PI

Objective: The aim is to promote, defend and disseminate the legal rights of black women, through social reparation actions, implementing training media in communities and various organizations (residents' associations, trade unions, cultural groups, religious groups and others), through training courses for facilitators to promote legal rights that lead to the full exercise of black women's citizenship.

Value: R$ 4.700,00



Organization: Maria Women's Group

Project: Lesbian Identity

Location: João Pessoa - PB

Objective: To carry out a survey of the lesbian and bisexual women's community in order to establish a demographic context which, after analyzing the data, will serve as a basis for carrying out training intervention activities to encourage the empowerment of these women and the affirmation of their identity.

Value: R$ 3.696,00



Organization: AMICOP - Association of Indigenous Women of Central-Western São Paulo

Project: Indigenous Women's Meeting 2003

Location: Bauru - SP

Objective: Finding mechanisms that reinforce the importance of maintaining cultural diversity and tracing experiences is of fundamental importance. Breaking down isolation and provoking a situation that serves as an instrument of unity between the various ethnic groups in the state of São Paulo, establishing a practice that motivates more and more integrated actions to strengthen the traditional populations that still remain in São Paulo, are goals to be achieved in the short term.

Value: R$ 2.130,00



Organization: Group MO.LE.CA - Lesbian Movement of Campinas

Project: First House

Location: Campinas - SP

Objective: To provide basic infrastructure for an NGO focused on lesbian rights in the interior of the state of São Paulo, improving the group's conditions to continue its projects and activities in a more efficient and organized manner.

Value: R$ 2.640,00



Organization: Organizing Committee of the V Senale - National Lesbian Seminar

Project: Women & Women: Promoting a National Lesbian Meeting

Location: São Paulo - SP

Objective: To publicize a nationwide lesbian meeting in order to increase the social visibility of lesbian issues and strengthen the movement and the community.

Value: R$ 3.500,00



Organization: Aurora da Vida Women's Group

Project: Formal Education for Older Women

Location: Campina Grande - PB

Aim: To enable elderly women to access the education system; to develop their critical awareness through the literacy process; to guarantee a better quality of life for elderly women through education; to encourage them to continue their studies, awakening the need to keep up to date, stay in touch and occupy their time with activities that are good for the spirit and the body.

Value: R$ 3.200,00



Organization: Grupo Transas do Corpo

Project: Women's Conversations: Strengthening Female Identity among Popular Leaders

Location: Goiânia - GO

Objective: To strengthen the feminist identities of women working in social movements and build more consistent and effective arguments in order to broaden and strengthen their different political articulations and specific struggles.

Value: R$ 3.396,00



Organization: Social Agenda Women's Group

Project: Women in Action in Greater Tijuca

Location: Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Objective: To implement a training program aimed at strengthening a proposal for a solidarity economy with a gender focus; to plan, structure and organize an event that strengthens the group's associative proposal; to give visibility to the project's actions by creating its own brand, expanding the population's knowledge and information on solidarity production, marketing and consumption with a gender focus.

Value: R$6.050,00



Organization: Coletivo Mulher Vida

Project: Portraying the New Woman

Location: Olinda - PE

Objective: To continue the educational and psycho-social process with 50 low-income women from the outskirts of the Greater Recife metropolitan area, with a view to transforming social relations by raising awareness among civil society so that they can develop their creative potential by learning a simple photographic technique.

Value: R$ 5.660,00



Organization: AMIJU - Association of Indigenous Women of the Municipality of Juruti

Project: Indigenous craftswomen

Location: Juruti - PA

Objective: To revive the region's indigenous handicrafts, with the aim of teaching and improving handicrafts of the existing tradition, which are in the process of dying out; to market the products at traditional cultural events in the city, with a view to the self-support of the women producers' movement.

Value: R$ 6.000,00



Organization: Women's Education Network

Project: World Summit on the Information Society from a Gender Perspective

Location: São Paulo - SP

Objective: To hold a seminar focusing on the World Summit on the Information Society from a gender perspective. The aim of this seminar is to raise the level of debate and reflection on the strategic importance of WSIS in the Brazilian feminist environment, reaching out to leaders and organizations, while at the same time gathering a range of information to boost the women's movement's influence in the WSIS preparation process.

Value: R$ 3.350,00



Organization: Grupo Boutique Social

Project: Speak in your own words

Location: Pirenópolis - GO

Aim: The aim of the project is to work with the women of the Promessa de Futuro project to strengthen the women's Leadership , increasing their capacity for expression and negotiation in family and production relations, using media such as radio.

Value: R$ 4.500,00



Organization: Espaço Feminino

Project: Elaboration

Location: Rio de Janeiro - RJ

Objective: To promote women's rights and combat gender discrimination by training women, especially young women, as multipliers of their legal rights through communication and human rights workshops.

Value: R$ 3.550,00