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others calls for proposals

212nd Public Notice

Year 2016


Speak Without Fear Fund - Results of the 2016 Call for Proposals

The 2016 call for proposals from the Fale Sem Medo Fund selected 33 organizations from 17 states in the five regions of the country. The projects will receive a total direct investment of R$2 million in donations. In addition, resources are being invested in the selection, training and monitoring of the initiatives, totaling R$3.1 million in the fight against domestic violence.

Black Art Against Violence
Organization: TPM - Tambor para Mulher
Donation: R$ 30.000,00
Project aims to train young militant activists to end domestic violence against women in traditional coastal communities, combining culture, artistic/musical training and political training on diversity.

As Rosas Falam III - Mulheres Fortes
Organization: Coletivo Feminista Levante Mulher
São Paulo/ SP
Donation: R$ 30,000.00
The project aims to bring together black artists to reconstruct the trajectories of black women and indigenous women who have fought against violence. Through photographic exhibitions, thematic meetings, urban interventions, soirees and theater performances.

Caravans of debates on media, gender and their intersections with class, race and sexuality in journalism schools in Rio Grande do Sul
Organization: Gender, Media and Sexuality (Gemis)
Porto Alegre/RS
Donation: R$ 29,766.72
The project aims to contribute by promoting debates, expository and dialogical workshops with journalism students in Rio Grande do Sul on violence against women and discussing the responsibility of communicators in the construction of media narratives on gender.

Cement & Lipstick
Organization: Women in Construction
Porto Alegre/RS
Donation: R$ 45,870.00
The project aims to promote the social inclusion, empowerment and autonomy of women in situations of socio-economic vulnerability and domestic violence, bringing them into the construction industry.

Oppressed Voices Collections - Domestic Workers - Challenges and Perspectives for Confronting Domestic Violence
Organization: Casa Laudelina de Campos Mello - Black Women's Organization
Donation: R$ 115.000,00
The project aims to train leaders of domestic workers in the fight against domestic, gender and racial/ethnic violence, as well as the new legislation on domestic work, through seminars and the creation of an interactive virtual space.

Feminist dialogues on domestic violence and the Maria da Penha Law
Organization: Cunhã - Feminist Collective
João Pessoa/PB
Donation: R$ 100.000.00
The project aims to promote public debate on the importance of a consciousness of peace, without racism, sexism, lesbophobia or homophobia as a basis for ending domestic violence in the state of Paraíba, by fostering strategic dialogues and developing a campaign to raise awareness of women's rights and by meeting young students.

Elas que são Elas!
Organization: Study Group on the Maria da Penha Law at the University of Vila Velha/ES
Vila Velha/ES
Donation: R$ 30,000.00
Project proposes actions to combat violence against women at the University, promoting the integration of these actions with municipal networks to combat domestic violence and civil society organizations and strengthening feminist activism among students.

Encontrão Blogueiras Negras
Organization: Coletivo Blogueiras Negras
Donation: R$ 30.000,00
Project aims to promote the meeting of black women from different states of the country in order to train, empower and strengthen them to fight racism, gender violence and domestic violence, and to build strategies for struggle through communication tools and new media.

Encrespando - Meninas Black Power
Organization: Meninas Black Power Collective
Belford Roxo/RJ
Donation: R$ 26,250.00
The project aims to promote workshops in Nova Iguaçu, Belford Roxo and Madureira to encourage empowerment and reflection on issues related to domestic violence, violence against women and racism, especially among young black women.

Expanding rights: black women confronting violence
Organization: Articulação de Organizações de black women Brasileiras - AMNB (ACMUN)
Porto Alegre/RS
Donation: R$ 120,000.00
The purpose of the project is to strengthen and expand the network of popular promoters and legal defenders in the country, using the PLP2.0 application, especially in the states of Bahia and Minas Gerais.

Roque Pense! Festival
Organization: Roque Pense!
Duque de Caxias/RJ
Donation: R$ 30,000.00
The project aims to hold the 4th edition of the Roque Pense! Festival. With brainstorming sessions, concerts and workshops, the festival promotes an anti-sexist culture, encouraging reflection and confronting sexism and gender violence among young people in the Baixada Fluminense.

Reference Guide - Building a culture of violence prevention: Production and dissemination of information by the Women's Council in the State of Goiás
Organization: ASTRAL/ Goiás - Associação de Travestis, Transexuais e Transgêneros de Goiás
Donation: R$ 39,200.00
The project aims to formulate, together with the Goiás State Women's Council, a Reference Guide with information to protect women's rights, offering them assistance in cases of domestic and other violence.

Liberating Minds
Organization: Association of Indigenous Women of the Upper Rio Negro - AMARN
Donation: R$ 49,780.00
The project aims to provide training spaces, with two seminars in Manaus and São Gabriel da Cachoeira, aimed at empowering indigenous women to confront the various forms of violence, and thereby reduce the domestic violence they suffer.

Mobilizing Women Domestic Workers against Domestic and Workplace Violence
Organizations: National Council of Domestic Workers and National Federation of Domestic Workers (FENATRAD)
Donation: R$ 100,000.00
Project aims to promote the mobilization and sensitization of women domestic workers to confront domestic and workplace violence, encouraging them to act in defense of their rights.

Women Building a Better Future in the Freedom of their Homes
Organization: Terra Sertaneja Community Association - ACOTERRA
Monte Santo/BA
Donation: R$ 36,000.00
The aim of this project is to develop mobilization and awareness-raising activities with women from traditional pasture communities in the municipality of Monte Santo, Bahia, strengthening them in their struggles for autonomy and in overcoming the oppressions they experience in their homes.

Women of Axé-entrepreneurs hand in hand against violence
Organization: Ilê Omolu e Oxum
São João de Meriti/RJ
Donation: R$ 118,193.00
Project aims to mobilize terreiro communities to confront domestic violence and violence against women through awareness-raising, training, the development of a public campaign and the promotion of women's economic entrepreneurship.

Women and LBTs: Confronting Violence, Building Citizenship
Organization: Casa da Mulher Catarina Association
Donation: R$ 100,000.00
The project aims to develop research that reveals the dynamics of misogynistic, sexist and LesboBiTransphobic prejudice in order to generate, from the analysis of the data, intervention processes and practices within the scope of public policies. Raise awareness and train professionals from the Health, Education, Public Security and Social Assistance Departments to implement policies to combat domestic violence and violence against women, which include the specific characteristics of the LBT population.

Building Movements - All Against Violence
Organization: Centro das Mulheres do Cabo - CMC
Cabo de Santo Agostinho/PE
Donation: R$ 120,000.00
The project seeks to contribute to the women's movement's influence on public policies, with a view to combating domestic violence and femicide in the Suape Strategic Territory, which covers 8 municipalities in Pernambuco.

black women e Violência: decodificando os números
Organization: Geledés Instituto da Mulher Negra
São Paulo/SP
Donation: R$ 100.000,00
The aim of the project is to carry out research, which will be presented at a national seminar, in order to broaden our understanding of the particularities surrounding the issue of violence against women black women in Brazilian society, in view of the significant increase in the number of homicides of these women, in contrast to the fall in this phenomenon among white women.

Women, Political Participation and Gender Relations in Maranhão: training and empowerment
Organization: Maranhão Women's Forum
São Luís/MA
Donation: R$ 30,000.00
Project proposes training women who participate in public life (councillors, community leaders, among others) through feminist content with a focus on combating violence against women and the Maria da Penha Law.

Artisanal Fisherwomen on the Waves of Radio
Organization: Núcleo Vozes Femininas
Jaboatão dos Guararapes/PE
Donation: R$ 28,820.00
The project aims to foster the creation of a network in the Baldo do Rio community to combat domestic violence by training residents to produce radio programs that will provide the community with information, interviews and debates to empower women.

For us, for them, for all: Feminism against sexist violence
Organization: Feminist Center for Studies and Advice (CFEMEA)
Donation: R$ 120,000.00
The project aims to contribute to a culture of non-violence and guarantee of women's rights in Brazil, from a feminist and anti-racist perspective, developing national processes of training, communication and social mobilization, through online training at the Free Feminist University.

Prostitutes in the fight against domestic violence
Organization: Association of Prostitutes of Minas Gerais (APROSMIG)
Belo Horizonte/MG
Donation: R$ 50,000.00
The project aims to raise awareness and prevent domestic violence through conversation circles, the production and distribution of information booklets, dialogue with hotel clients and dialogue with the Specialized Crimes Against Women Police Station to raise awareness of the institution's work with prostitutes.

Leadership de Preta II
Organization: Grupo Cultural Balé das Iyabás
Rio de Janeiro/ RJ
Donation: R$ 30.000,00
Project aims to strengthen, emancipate and empower women, especially black women, through workshops with dynamic interaction with Afro music and dance and debates on gender and race/ethnicity, promoting the fight against the various types of violence suffered by women.

(Re)constructing paths and affections: women deconstructing domestic violence among lesbians and bisexuals
Organization: Ceará Women's Forum - FCM
Donation: R$ 29,982.00
The project aims to encourage debate on domestic violence in lesbian relationships, promoting spaces for reflection and criticism about the vulnerabilities and challenges that this issue brings.

If he raises his hand Rode a Baiana!
Organization: Coletivo Flores de Dan
Donation: R$ 30,000.00
The project aims to carry out guerrilla marketing actions against domestic violence in the busiest public transport stations in the city of Salvador, Bahia. The actions will unfold in the production of a video that will be edited and viralized on websites, direct mail and social networks.

Just a pat?
Organization: Quitéria Group
Bragança Paulista/SP
Donation: R$ 17,400.00
The aim of the project is to help create a vision of equal relationships between young people aged 13 to 17, helping to reduce the rate of gender violence by training student groups, debating domestic violence, its causes and ways of combating it, and encouraging the young people involved to multiply the information.

Territory of Protection for Indigenous Women
Organization: Young Tribes Institute
Porto Seguro/BA
Donation: R$ 105,000.00
The project aims to disseminate the Territory of Protection social technology in order to support and strengthen indigenous women in defending their rights and promoting quality of life, especially in the fight against domestic violence, bringing them closer to women's services, the construction and implementation of public policies in the area of human rights, indigenous rights and women's rights.

Todas são todas - inclusion of women with disabilities in policies to combat domestic violence
Organization: Coletivo Feminino Plural / Grupo Inclusivass Mulheres com Deficiência
Porto Alegre/RS
Donation: R$ 100,000.00
The aim of this project is to promote the incorporation of the perspective and specific needs of women with disabilities into existing policies to combat domestic and gender violence and other public policies for women.

Ubuntu - We are all one "before and after"
Organization: Instituto Omolara Brasil
Rio de Janeiro/ RJ
Donation: R$ 30,000.00
The project aims to bring together women in 6 Rio communities with a history of violence against women (Batan, Borel, Cidade de Deus, Coroa, Vila do Cruzeiro and Manguinhos), with the publication of a Rights Awareness Booklet and the dissemination of information on access to their rights.

Unidas & Livres: United in the struggle, free in life!
Organization: Collective of Women Workers of the Trade Union Movement of Ceará
Donation: R$ 29,800.00
The project aims to train 100 Popular Citizenship Agents (APC) to empower women workers, with an emphasis on combating domestic violence against women.

Domestic violence: a structural challenge to overcome
Organization: Centro de Estudos e Defesa do Negro no Pará - CEDENPA
Donation: R$ 110,000.00
The project aims to carry out actions aimed at tackling domestic violence in Pará, including a state seminar, municipal roundtables involving representatives of public bodies, educators and socio-educational workshops with young black women from 7 municipalities.

Yamurikumãs in defense of their rights
Organization: AYMX - Yamurikumã Association of Xinguan Women
Donation: R$ 38,939.00
The project aims to hold the 2016 edition of the Xinguan Women's Roundtable, strengthening the indigenous women's movement in the region and confronting violence against women on social media.

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