See others calls for proposals
52nd Public Notice
Year 2005
Twenty-seven groups were selected in the Fund's 5th Project Competition, held with the support of the Global Fund for Women. The social investment totaled R$124,850.00. In this edition, the projects are from women's organizations and groups that promote increased access to education and the promotion of economic independence.
Organization: Women in Action Reference Centre
Project: Women in Action
Objective: to integrate the women of the association in order to form a solidarity network of activities, developing a special course for women in the assembly and maintenance of microcomputers, electricity and notions of electronics; for workshops to create thematic campaigns to be broadcast on the radio; and for the opening of a virtual space to function as an ombudsman, to meet the demands of the community.
Location: São Gonçalo - RJ
Amount: R$ 5,000.00
Organization: Mulheres do CJ/ Hip Hop
Project: Minas na Arte de Riscar o Disco
Objective: To create a DJ training course (discotheque with the use of the scratc resource) just for young women (Break Girls, girls who dance Break) from the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro with the intention of setting up a Hip Hop Women's Nucleus in the region, merging these dimensions with the possibility of creating an effective source of income for all.
Location: Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Amount: R$ 4,500.00
Organization: Aos Brados! The Dignified Living of Homosexuality
Project: Action, Dignity, Sustainability
Objective: to formalize the group, which already produces a newspaper aimed at lesbians, so that it can become a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), as well as developing courses in making accessories in the colors of the flag and the theme of the LGTTB community for women, in the hope of improving the quality of life, training and strengthening lesbian leaders on the outskirts of Campinas (SP).
Location: Campinas - SP
Value: R$ 3,440.00
Organization: As Marias da Graça
Project: Bota a Palhaça pra Fora
Objective: To support the group that will promote exchanges between women clowns, thus encouraging their work and giving them the opportunity to develop and improve their clown activities from a feminine perspective, with the creation of special numbers for presentation in their cities and tours.
Location: Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Amount: R$4,140.00
Organization: Grupo Refazendo Vínculos, Valores e Atitudes
Project: Meninas Marias de Luta
Objective: to consolidate the "Meninas Marias de Luta" doll and sewing social enterprise that has been under construction since 2004, promoting social inclusion, local development and improving the quality of life of these girls - women in situations of vulnerability, through the consolidation of a work and income generation enterprise, as well as gender and political educational action, with a view to emancipating these women as subjects.
Location: São Paulo - SP
Amount: R$ 5,000.00
Organization: Brazilian Representation of the Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS
Project: 1st Positive Voices Meeting in the State of Rio de Janeiro
Objective: The 1st Positive Voices Meeting for the human rights of women living with HIV/AIDS in Rio de Janeiro will be supported by the Angela Borba Fund, creating the opportunity for these women to prepare and present subsidies that will be the result of their participation and the formation of a mutual aid network to identify discriminatory acts, prepare proposals for the elimination of stigma and prejudice against people living with HIV/AIDS.
Location: Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Amount: R$ 4,500.00
Organization: Projeto Poty
Project: Projeto Poty - Fibra de Bananeira
Objective: The Poty project works with the cultural revival of the handicraft technique using dried banana fibres, a traditional activity of the caiçara community of Itanhaém. The aim is not only to revive and disseminate the craft technique, but also to teach women in the region how to produce and sell the pieces.
Location: Itanhaém - SP
Amount: R$ 5,000.00
Organization: Fishing Women of the Association of Artisanal Fishermen and Friends of Pitória Beach - APAAPP
Project: Recycling and Art
Objective: The group, made up of women fishermen from Pitória Beach, has to divide its time between domestic work and alternative activities to generate income at home. This is all due to environmental degradation, the disorganized exploitation of natural resources and the lack of assistance for the artisanal fishing sector in the region. The Angela Borba Fund supports the creation of a local handicraft center (the embryo of a cooperative) to make handicrafts, achieving the goal of supplementing the family's income.
Location: São Pedro d'Aldeia - RJ
Amount: R$ 4,500.00
Organization: Grupo Fêmea
Project: Making Gender Digital
Objective: The project aims to be a strategy to promote the entry of women into the digital world with the prospect of improving their quality of life and their socio-economic and cultural development. The main objective of the Angela Borba Fund is to provide professional training for these women in computer classes applied to work, and at the same time to promote training meetings on women's rights.
Location: São João de Meriti - RJ
Amount: R$ 4,500.00
Organization: Women's Movement in São Gonçalo
Project: Women, Reflection and HIV/AIDS
Objective: The project aims to implement a reflection group that addresses issues related to sexuality in the prevention of STDs, human rights, sexual and reproductive rights, access to medication, prejudices in the face of the low level of information presented by these women who live with the AIDS epidemic. The Angela Borba Fund aims to "empower" women through a reflective process, to work on the issue of raising self-esteem and combating stigma and prejudice against HIV carriers.
Location: São Gonçalo - RJ
Amount: R$4,000.00
Organization: FOME - Formação Orientada para Mulheres Excluídas
Project: Gestando Arte, o Grafite como Alternativa de Geração de Trabalho e Renda
Objective: To support the teaching of the art of graffiti to women, demystifying it as an art that belongs to men and reducing the prejudice that surrounds it. The idea is that learning graffiti can be used as an alternative way of generating income.
Location: Duque de Caxias - RJ
Amount: R$ 4,500.00
Organization: AMZOL - Associação de Mulheres da Zona Leste
Project: Banqueteiras
Objective: To provide an alternative to unemployment in the region and restore full citizenship for a group of women from the outskirts of the city of São Paulo. This will be done through a course in basic cooking, sweets, snacks and buffets, as well as preparing them for the demands of the consumer market.
Location: São Paulo - SP
Value: R$ 4,500.00
Organization: Women's Group of the José Bonifácio Housing Complex
Project: Eu Quero é Mais
Objective: To train women from the housing complex in wall painting and minor repairs in electricity, masonry and plumbing, services needed by the community.
Location: Itaquera - SP
Amount: R$ 4,500.00
Organization: Fuxicarte Group
Project: Making Fashion
Objective: To obtain a physical space to create a handmade sewing cooperative (fuxico and embroidery crafts) with workshops in administration and management, health, citizenship, prevention and educational guidance (encouraging women who are not studying to go back to school).
Location: Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Amount: R$ 4,200.00
Organization: AMOCAVIM Associação de Moradores e Amigos da Vila Mimosa
Project: Damas da Camélia
Objective: The project aims to reduce the socio-cultural stigma in the world of prostitution in Vila Mimosa, through collective intervention aimed at strengthening community life through leisure and entertainment, thus strengthening the fight against vulnerabilities against women in situations of prostitution. The Fund supports training courses in Carnival-related activities, aimed at the Carnival industry labor market, with the possible subsequent creation of a cooperative
Location: Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Amount: R$ 4,500.00
Organization: Grupo Mão na Massa
Project: Build your life
Objective: The project consists of a construction course and an ecological brick factory for young women who are absent from school and live in the São Lucas district.
Location: Sorocaba - SP
Value: R$ 4,500.00
Organization: Loucas da Pedra Lilás
Project: Loucas por Cidadania
Objective: To disseminate to a wide range of audiences, via theater and other artistic expressions, the struggles of organized women to build more equal, plural and just societies. The Fund supports the development of theater workshops with women as well as the staging of plays and street interventions, production, press relations and photographic recording.
Location: Recife - PE
Amount: R$ 3,720.00
Organization: Social Intervention Group
Project: Breaking the Silence
Objective: To put on street theater shows, bringing elements of popular culture, mixing theater and music; situations will be created where there will be analogies with the daily lives of women who are victims of violence, presenting mechanisms for denouncing and taking action through the bodies that defend their rights.
Location: Fortaleza - CE
Amount: R$ 4,000.00
Organization: Ass. das Trabalhadoras dos Jardins Columbia
Project: Painting for Women
Objective: To develop a professional course for wall painters, financing the purchase of materials and a professional in the field, with a view to the socio-economic development of women in this community, benefiting them and their families.
Location: Londrina - PR
Amount: R$ 2,730.00
Organization: Grupo Afirmativo de Mulheres Independentes
Project: Outro Olhar
Objective: To hold workshops on health prevention, sexuality, citizenship and self-esteem for lesbian and bisexual women in the region.
Location: Natal - RN
Amount: R$ 5,000.00
Organization: Nutricooper Women's Group
Project: Defence of Life
Objective: The group of 15 women is organized as a cooperative, and has already undergone technical training: courses in baking, savoury pastries, sales and management.
The Fund proposes to support the expansion of the initial project with a small amount of working capital so that they can increase production.
Location: Blumenau - SC
Amount: R$ 4,200.00
Organization: Centro de Mulheres dos Palmares
Project: Há uma Mulher Dentro de Mim
Objective: The project aims to help improve the cultural condition of women in the community in relation to sexual and reproductive rights. The Fund supports workshops on topics related to women's health in partnership with local women's organizations that already work in this area.
Location: Palmares - PE
Amount: R$ 3,740.00
Organization: Casa da Mulher Renasce Companheira
Project: Lerão
Objective: To hold planning meetings, workshops on human rights, reading, Toré dancing, making fishing utensils and indigenous handicrafts.
Location: João Pessoa - PB
Amount: R$ 5,000.00
Organization: Peasant Women of the Caldeirão Settlement in Quixeramobim
Project: Sowing Life
Objective: To train women living in the Caldeirão settlement in Quixeramobim in the creation and cultivation of a community vegetable garden, as well as to provide a space for reflection on women's participation in the production process, the struggle for citizenship.
Location: Fortaleza - CE
Amount: R$ 2,730.00
Organization: Casa da Mulher do Nordeste
Project: Mãos Femininas: Desconstruindo a Cultura
Objective: to produce a newspaper for the women of the Network of Women Producers of the Northeast in order to encourage the exchange of experiences between them. The Fund will finance the production of 6 editions of this newspaper, with the aim of supporting the integration of the Network.
Location: Recife - PE
Amount: R$ 5,000.00
Organization: Menina Pérola Capoeira Group
Project: V Paraíba Congress of Women Capoeiristas
Objective: To promote the integration and exchange of experiences of women capoeira practitioners in the state of Paraíba, make the art visible and increase the number of followers.
Location: João Pessoa - PB
Amount: R$ 5.000,00
Organization: Bamidelê - Organization of black women
Project: Danda Ê
Objective: The production of handicrafts was carried out at the group's headquarters with the aim of starting the Bamidelê Handicraft Production Center, an initiative that aims to value the culture and self-esteem of local black women. During the production of the material, films were shown and training talks were given to the project's participants. The group held a large public commemorative event on July 25, Black Women's Day in Latin America and the Caribbean, showcasing and selling their production.
Location: João Pessoa - PB
Amount: R$ 5,000.00