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others calls for proposals

62nd Public Notice

Year 2006


Ten groups were selected in the 6th Project Competition, held with the support of the Levi Strauss Foundation. The social investment totaled R$40,478.50. In this edition, the projects are from women's organizations and groups from the states of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, which aim to promote economic independence.


Organization: Rainhas da Lagoa Group
Project: Fish Processing: Adding Value to Life
Location: Iguaba Grande - RJ
Objective: To provide the conditions for the group to start its first fish processing production, in order to consolidate the process of job opportunities, income generation and passing on the knowledge acquired, multiplying the opportunity achieved through training courses.
Amount: R$ 4,300.00


Organization: Mothers of the Kids Portal
Project: Cooking for Parties
Location: Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Objective: To incorporate a vision of management and sales strategies, to provide guidance on new market requirements, encouraging the creation of domestic enterprises outside the confines of the communities in which they live.
Value: R$ 4,300.00


Organization: As Arteiras
Project: Mulheres que não desistem, nunca fazem costura e Silk
Location: Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Objective: Development of a new product, which is the unfolding of the activities that the group already carries out in the search for a new field of activity, generating income and stability.
Amount: R$ 4,078.50


Organization: CIM - Centro de Integração da Mulher
Project: Palavra de Mulher
Location: Guarulhos - SP
Objective: To train participants to produce T-shirts with artistic interventions. To re-signify each participant's life story, using the meetings and experiences as triggers for this process.
Amount: R$ 4,300.00


Organization: Fuxicarte Socio-Economic Group
Project: Making Fashions
Location: Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Objective: To create opportunities for women to earn supplementary income, to hold group discussions on issues involving women and the community and to guarantee a quality work space where they can have access to information technology.
Value: R$ 4,300.00


Organization: Artisans of the Countryside
Project: Weaving Stories, Harvesting Fruits
Location: Itaberá - SP
Objective: To diversify the activities of the women of the Settlement and generate an increase in income for their families, as well as strengthening the women's conviviality to exchange ideas, conversations and reflections on their lives, their roles and their political action in the Settlement.
Amount: R$ 4,300.00


Organization: Ação Solidária
Project: Bela Beleza Belíssima
Location: São Paulo -SP
Objective: To train 50 women in jewelry design using the concepts of recycling and reusing materials such as paper and glass.
Value: R$ 4,300.00


Organization: ABAYOMI Cooperative
Project: Cooperative Restructuring Project
Location: Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Objective: To contribute to the restructuring of the Arte Aláfia Group, to create the necessary infrastructure for the basic exercise of its activities and to implement the Arte Aláfia Diffusion Project for Income Generation and Affirmative Action.
Amount: R$ 4,300.00


Organization: Grupo de Mulheres Bordadeiras da Coroa
Project: Bordando Idéias, Coroas de Mulheres
Location: Rio de Janeiro - RJ
Objective: To enable financial autonomy through the purchase of raw materials and equipment and to allow the association to be legalized.
Amount: R$ 4,300.00


Organization: Mulheres em Ação
Project: Varejão Canitar
Location: Canitar - SP
Objective: To offer work and income generation to needy women in Canitar, a small town in the rural area of the Paranapanema Valley, by setting up a retail store to sell basic food products.
Amount: R$ 2,000.00