others calls for proposals
92nd Public Notice
Year 2008
Ten groups were selected in the IX Project Competition, held with the support of HIVOS and the Ford Foundation. The social investment totaled R$ 171 thousand. In this edition, the projects are from lesbian women's organizations and groups that promote respect for sexual diversity.
Organization: Lesbian Feminist Association of Brasília - Coturno de Vênus
Project: Lesbian Women's Meeting: For Citizenship, Leadership and Income Generation
Location: Brasília - DF
Objective: The project aims to fund lesbian meetings and screen printing workshops. The workshops have two objectives: the first is to produce informative material about the debates at the meetings, and the second is to produce material for sale and fundraising.
Amount: R$ 17,107.00
Organization: ALEM - Lesbian Association of Minas
Project: Strengthening Our Instruments of Action to Strengthen Our Struggle
Location: Belo Horizonte - MG
Objective: The project aims to strengthen the organization, through internal actions such as leadership training workshops, and participation in broader activities such as the Annual Walk of Lesbians and Sympathizers, consequently increasing cooperation with other groups.
Amount: R$ 17,107.00
Organization: LUAS - Liberdade, União Afetivo - Sexual das Mulheres Lésbicas e Bissexuais
Project: Institutional Strengthening: A Path to the Visibility of Lesbian and Bisexual Women
Location: Recife - PE
Objective: Institutional strengthening of a group of lesbian and bisexual women, with a view to institutional sustainability and the recognition of these women as subjects of rights.
Amount: R$ 17,107.00
Organization: GAMIRN - Grupo Afirmativo de Mulheres Independentes do Rio Grande do Norte
Project: Outro Olhar - Construindo Ações de Fortalecimento Institucional
Location: Natal - RN
Objective: To continue working to defend the human rights of lesbian and bisexual women, benefiting 100 women directly and 400 indirectly. The project also aims to strengthen the institution, the women's movement and the existing dialogue with state partners.
Amount: R$ 17,107.00
Organization: Felipa de Sousa Women's Group
Project: Agbara Ilê Aiyabá - Strengthening a House of Women
Location: Belford Roxo - RJ
Objective: To contribute to the formation of lesbian groups to discuss gender, ethnic and lesbophobia issues. The goal is, by the end of the project, to have an organized lesbian group in the Baixada Fluminense, and lesbian groups in mixed groups, both in homosexual groups and in women's groups.
Amount: R$ 17,107.00
Organization: Rebel Women
Project: Thought, Action and Creation: The Necessary Bridges
Location: Porto Alegre - RS
Objective: To contribute to the formation of new lesbian think tanks - in Porto Alegre - thus promoting greater articulation between lesbian and feminist groups in the city.
Amount: R$ 17,107.00
Organization: LAMCE - Liberdade do Amor Entre Mulheres no Ceará
Project: The Visibility of Lesbian Political Subjects: Strengthening and Empowering Lesbian Women in Ceará, based on Feminism
Location: Fortaleza, Acarape, Maracanaú and Limoeiro do Norte - CE
Objective: To contribute, above all, as a way of democratizing and consolidating the development of critical thinking and feminist actions among the group itself, as well as other political subjects made up of lesbian and bisexual women.
Amount: R$ 17,107.00
Organization: LOBAS - Lésbicas Organizadas da Baixada Santista
Project: Undoing the Knots and Creating the Ties
Location: Guarujá, Santos, Bertioga, Praia Grande and São Vicente - SP
Objective: To expand the number of lesbian, bisexual and transgender feminist leaders where they, through exchanges of information in circles/networks, can demand better living conditions, continuing the work learned and started by LOBAS, and also creating their own spaces and work.
Amount: R$ 17,107.00
Organization: FTG - Fórum de Transexuais do Estado de Goiás
Project: Café Prevenção: Centro de Convivência de Mulheres Lésbicas e Transexuais
Location: Goiânia - GO
Objective: To train and maintain a work team at the Forum, with a view to strengthening the network of lesbian and transgender women in Goiânia, as well as acquiring a space for coordination.
Amount: R$ 17,107.00
Organization: DIVAS - Group in Defense of Affective-Sexual Diversity
Project: Lesbians as Political Subjects: Amazons who Dance and Exchange Experiences to Deconstruct Heterosexuality as a Norm
Location: Fortaleza - CE
Objective: Expansion of the group's collegiate coordination and consolidation of its collective and political identity in Fortaleza, with a view to recognition of the group's work by other local lesbian and feminist organizations, by building partnerships for joint actions such as articulation to make the Ceará Lesbian and Bisexual Forum viable.
Amount: R$ 17,107.00