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 Do you know what the 16 days of activism are?

The 16 Days of Activism to End Violence against Women Campaign was launched in 1991 by the Center for Women's Global Leadership (CWGL) with the aim of promoting debate and reflection on the various forms of oppression, discrimination and violation of women's rights. It is an annual mobilization undertaken by various actors from civil society and public authorities.

Officially, the campaign runs from November 25, the International Day of Struggle - All Against Violence against Women, to December 10, the date on which the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was proclaimed. In Brazil, the campaign has incorporated November 20 (National Black Awareness Day) because it understands that, historically in the country, black women have had their lives crossed by significant rights violations.

And why is November 25th the International Day of Struggle - All Against Violence Against Women?

Approved in 1999 by the United Nations General Assembly, the date was proposed by the Latin American women's movement. It is a tribute to the Mirabal sisters - Patria, Minerva and María - murdered by the dictatorship of Rafael Trujillo in the Dominican Republic on November 25, 1960. The assassination of the Mirabal sisters, known as Las Mariposas, for their political activities, caused great revolt among the Dominican population, which culminated in the assassination of Trujillo in May 1961.

At the 1st Latin American and Caribbean Feminist Meeting, held in 1981 in the city of Bogotá, Colombia, the date of the murder of the Mirabal sisters was proposed by the participants as the Latin American and Caribbean Day of Struggle against Violence against Women.

All over Brazil, there are mobilization actions, lectures, debates, events and meetings on the subject. Check out some of them:

- The Rio de Janeiro Institute of Technology and Society is promoting the ITS Special Balcony - #AgoraÉQueSãoElas, with the participation of Manoela Miklos, Alessandra Orofino and Gabriela Agustini for a debate on the feminist movement that has taken over the streets and networks in recent weeks. On the agenda, the repercussions of the #meuprimeiroassedio initiative, the demonstrations against bill 5.069, which provoked debate in society and occupied public and private spaces, the presence of women in the media, politics and technology. November 26, at 7pm, in Flamengo (RJ):

- The collective À esquerda da praça invites everyone to the debate "16 days of activism for the end of violence against women", with Dr. Renata Tavares (Jury Court Defender), Dr. Arlanza Rebello (Public Defender - Coordinator of the Women's Defense Center) and researcher Corina Mendes (Fernandes Figueira Institute). With the participation of singer Sandra Grengo at the opening. At Praça São Salvador, Flamengo (RJ), at 6 .30pm on the 26th:

– Carol Rossetti lança o livro "Mulheres" em Brasília, na Livraria Cultura Casapark Shopping Center (SGCV – Sul, lote 22 – Piso 2 – Loja 4), no dia 27, sexta-feira. Haverá bate papo sobre "Enfrentamento da violência através da arte" a partir das 19h.