Investing in
is our way of
change the world
Get to know Elas+ Giving for change
ELAS+ Giving for change is a social and environmental justice, feminist and anti-racist fund that for over 20 years has invested in strengthening organizations and groups led by cis, trans and other transident women. It was the first fund to invest exclusively in promoting the Leadership of women, trans and non-binary people, and it knows all the multiplicity and uniqueness of this universe. These organizations move and sustain the economy and social relations in their localities, they know and act to generate positive social impact in communities, cities, states, helping to collectively transform society. We mobilize resources in Brazil and abroad, with companies, governments, foundations, international organizations and individuals to invest in organizations, with or without a CNPJ. Our work takes place in the Social justice philanthropy ecosystem and is the size of Brazil, as we support organizations in all five regions of the country.

"Women and trans people work for the world and the world needs to work for them!"
See also
History of Elas+
Learn more about the diversity of support from ELAS+
Organizations that work for ethnic and racial equity, that invest in a fair and sustainable environment, in health, in reproductive justice, in financial autonomy, in access to culture, communication, sports, arts and always for the end of violence receive support. ELAS+ is constantly studying, promoting dialogues and research to innovate and maintain the pioneering spirit that characterizes the organization in these two decades of activity.
A Assembleia de Fundadoras e o Conselho Deliberativo são as instâncias máximas de governança. Está no DNA do ELAS+ a luta antirracista e a promoção da equidade nos mais diversos espaços. Sempre participaram do Conselho mulheres de diversas idades, raças, etnias, orientações e identidades sexuais, religiões e profissões: empresárias, acadêmicas, comunicadoras, artistas. O Conselho orienta e muitas vezes antecipa movimentos da sociedade civil, estimulando a evolução institucional.
Our Mission, Vision and Values
We know the potential of women to transform from their families and localities. They need investment and few resources reach them.

Investing in women is our way of changing the world: Giving for change.
Passion for the cause of women and trans people
Bonds of trust
Citizen donation
Respect for singularities, subjectivities and multiplicities
Promote and strengthen Leadership and rights of women and trans people by mobilizing resources and investing in their initiatives.
Our Mission, Vision and Values
We know the potential of women to transform from their families and localities. They need investment and few resources reach them.

Investing in women is our way of changing the world: Giving for change.
Promote and strengthen the Leadership and rights of women and transgender people by mobilizing resources and investing in their initiatives.
Passion for the cause of women and transgender people, Bonds of trust, Transparency, Respect for singularities, subjectivities and multiplicities and Citizen donation.