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Amalia Fischer was one of the speakers at the Fórum Corpo: Artigo Indefinido, an internal TV Globo event that discussed issues such as gender identity, sexual orientation and rights with the broadcaster's employees. Held at Globo Studios on March 21 and 22, the meeting was attended by author Gloria Perez and specialists, activists and professionals from Globo's Entertainment, Communications, Journalism, Research and Human Capital departments.

The co-founder of the ELAS Fund took part in the first block, which addressed the importance of language in translating multiple identities and expressions of gender, alongside Berenice Bento, researcher and professor at UFRN, Jaqueline Gomes de Jesus, psychologist and professor at IFRJ and Sergio Carrara, professor and researcher at CLAM/UERJ. The event was attended by theoreticians and figures from the women's and LGBT movements, such as Indianara Siqueira and Maria Clara Araújo.
"The debate was very rich and I think it was very enlightening. Many people confuse gender identity with sexual orientation, for example, but one thing has nothing to do with the other. And it was very positive to have this discussion inside, with employees and creatives, so that they understand where Globo is going in terms of rights," said Amalia Fischer.
The Forum was attended by 20 young activists who took part in an agenda of activities using the Papus methodology, listening and exchanging with Globo professionals. Two documentaries on gender were also shown during the meeting. All the content discussed during the two-day meeting will be used as input for a Caderno Globo dedicated to the topic, which is expected to be published and distributed free of charge in May this year.
It all starts with respect
The Forum is part of a wider Globo initiative, the Tudo começa pelo respeito platform. To broaden the discussion on gender, Globo launched the dialog platform Tudo começa pelo Respeito in August 2016, in partnership with UNESCO, UNICEF, UNAIDS, UN Women and the Rodrigo Mendes Institute. The platform works to mobilize society to strengthen a culture that not only tolerates, but respects and widely discusses the rights of women, the elderly, LGBTs, blacks, disabled people, religious people, HIV-positive people and people vulnerable to discrimination and prejudice.