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The month of March has come to an end and there were many celebrations held by the groups and projects supported by the ELAS Fund in partnership with AVON, the UN Gender Equality Fund, the OAK Foundation, the Sigrid Rausing Trust, the Global Fund for Women and the Ford Foundation.


March was a show of creativity, talent, energy and activism. 
Long live women!

The projects carried out as a result of the XIX Contest, which was supported by the Avon Institute's Speak Without Fear Fund, had a very busy schedule and some of them shared their planned activities with us:

In the state of Rio de Janeiro, Ilê Omolum Oxum, Balé das Iyabá, Coletivo Roque Pense, Associação de Mulheres do Complexo do Alemão and Casa da Mulher Trabalhadora (CAMTRA) were highlights on the agenda. In Pernambuco, Cidadania Feminista was present with the Bazar Feminista.

In Rio Grande do Norte, the Association of Quilombola Women of Capoeiras shone with its Walk of Cultural Presentations and the Affirmative Group of Independent Women with its Round Table Talk with Responsible Women. In Bahia, the Renascer Mulher Association launched its Campaign on Compulsory Notification; the Coletivo Mulheres de Calafate launched its Women Against Violence and for Well-Being Campaign. In Minas Gerais, the Semear Esperança (Sow Hope) Project in Carbonita promoted a major mobilization for the creation of the Municipal Women's Rights Council. In Pará, the Association of

Community Development of Santa Maria do Pará (ADESC-PA) promoted the Day of Beautification and Lectures in Communities. And in São Paulo, the Popular Legal Promoters held the Women's March from the São Carlos Town Hall; the Levante Mulher - As Rosas Falam Collective gave presentations.

Of the groups and projects supported by ELAS in partnership with the UN Fund for Gender Equality, the March agenda includes the activity in the Cathedral Square held in Campinas, São Paulo, on March 8, by the Domestic Workers Union; and the Women's Walk for Political Reform, promoted by the National Federation of Domestic Workers (FENATRAD), in Salvador, Bahia, on March 13.


From the organizations supported by the ELAS Fund in partnership with the Ford Foundation, in the Ah! So I'm a Feminist! project. The fruits were many and many are already available on our page on the Campaign hotsite. It's worth a look!( )