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In September, the ELAS Fund launched new communication channels for the ELAS in Exact Sciences program on social media. 

These are new spaces for publicizing the actions of the 10 projects supported by ELAS in the Exact Sciences, which from the north to the south of the country are developing innovative initiatives that encourage high school students to learn about and engage with the exact sciences and technologies.
In addition to gathering information about ELAS in the Exact Sciences and the projects it supports, the pages will bring news and data about the participation of women in science and technology and the importance of the gender debate in the field of education.
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About ELAS in the Exact Sciences
The result of an unprecedented partnership with the Unibanco Institute and the Carlos Chagas Foundation, ELAS in the Exact Sciences aims to help reduce the impact of gender inequalities on students' career choices and access to higher education. The ELAS Fund has innovated with this initiative, expanding its activities to schools, which are a strategic space for promoting equity and transformation.
Support is being given to 10 projects carried out with high school students from public schools and aimed at encouraging girls to get involved in the exact sciences and technologies, raising awareness among school management.