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At the end of March, a group of young women from the Jardim Batan community (RJ) took the first step towards building a business together. It's the "Elas em Movimento" program, an action by Chevron, the fifth largest energy company in the world, by contracting the services and experience of the ELAS Social Investment Fund, which will also reach the communities of Santa Marta and Cidade de Deus.
"After existing, this was the greatest opportunity I've had in my life," said member Adriane Lisboa.
The program began with the "Dialogues for the improvement of living conditions", developed by Rebouças&Associados in a space provided by the partnership with FIRJAN, which for two days aimed to stimulate the women's Leadership and allow them to build a new path through the creation of a joint venture.
The group of women from Batan will then receive more than 100 hours of training. They will also draw up a business plan that will enable them to meet some of the community's demands and generate income. They will then receive R$50,000 to put their enterprise into practice.
"I valued everything I have much more. And I discovered that, as well as being a mother and a wife, I can be an entrepreneur," said participant Catarina da Silva.