The CASA Socio-Environmental Fund is now open for applications for its second call for proposals for 2015, continuing the Program to Strengthen Communities in the Quest for Sustainability. The CASA Fund will make R$1,701,252.00 available to support up to 57 grassroots community projects, urban or rural, which aim to implement socio-environmental sustainability proposals.
The CASA Fund's partners in this call for proposals are the CAIXA Socio-Environmental Fund and the OAK Foundation, which is also a partner of the ELAS Fund in the Sexual Autonomy Program. The OAK Foundation will donate R$180,000.00 to 13 projects focused on the city of Recife and its metropolitan region. The rest of the funds will support projects throughout Brazil. Each project will receive a maximum of R$30,000.00. Private, non-profit organizations with regular documentation can participate in this call for proposals. Some of the themes of interest in the call are: climate change, energy, marine-coastal regions, land-use planning, social participation, community institutional strengthening, the right to sustainable cities, sanitation and the Atlantic Forest.
The call for proposals is available on the CASA Socio-Environmental Fund website, as are the instructions for using the CASA Fund App, which was specially developed to make it easier to receive applications. The new application improves the possibilities for analysis and reduces the time it takes to systematize the proposals.
Applications will be received until October 29, 2015.
Download the public notice here.
About the CASA Socio-Environmental Fund
Created in 2005, the CASA Socio-Environmental Fund (CASA Fund) is a non-profit organization that aims to mobilize resources in Brazil and abroad to expand the work of civil society organizations that deal with the challenges of environmental and social sustainability as part of the processes of eradicating poverty, strengthening democracy, promoting justice, dignity and quality of life in Brazil and South America.
The CASA Fund finances small projects by socio-environmental organizations to increase their negotiating capacity and institutional development. In this way, it seeks to create the conditions for people and groups to strengthen themselves and achieve better results in their actions, with a view to socio-environmental sustainability in South America.