Savana Brito, ELAS Fund's Program Manager, was in Kuala Lumpur, the Malaysian capital, taking part in a Community of Practice Meeting on Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning, which took place from June 24 to 26.
Savana participated at the invitation of Prospera - International Network of Funds for Womenof which ELAS Fund is a member, which is responsible for the initiative. Prospera supports the institutional strengthening of its members and has launched a Community of Practice (CoP) for its members to focus on sharing and learning about Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning.
The aims of the initiative are to support women's funds with tools and technical inputs to conduct a self-diagnosis of needs and priorities with regard to project monitoring and evaluation, as well as to strengthen the network between women's funds to create opportunities for exchange and collective development.
Several ELAS Fund partners took part in the workshop, representing both Latin American and global funds: Fondo Alquimia, Apthapi Jopueti - Fondo de Mujeres de Bolivia, Fondo Semillas, Fondo de Acción Urgente, Global Fund for Women, Fundo FRIDA, Mongolian Women`s Fund, Calala Women`s Fund, Bulgarian Fund for Women, Mama Cash, among others.