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Investing in


is our way of

change the world

Councils and Assembly

The Board of ELAS+ Giving for change has always been a distinguishing feature of the organization. Our board has always included women of different types, ages, races, ethnicities, sexual orientations and identities, religions and professions: businesswomen, academics, communicators, artists. They are the ones who drive our institutional evolution. Many of the Council's participants have master's and doctoral degrees in the issues related to the challenge of women and transgender people. In addition to having a sophisticated academic background, many are prominent public figures with a long history of publications on the subject of women, transgender people, feminism and/or are activists in various women's causes such as: racism, gender, environment, violence against women and various areas of human rights and culture. The Council operates through regular meetings, which strengthen and deepen the methodologies of Selection, Donation and Dialogues, which are carried out with organizations of women and trans people. In 2021, the Assembly, the Council and the Board decided to take a step forward: a new + sign was included in our brand, making visible the arrival of three new members on the Council: a trans man, an indigenous woman and a black and trans woman.

Madalena Guilhon, a board member and one of the founders of ELAS+, expressed this moment in this way:

" ELAS+ has always been women, but in the breadth that diversity has gained, ELAS has become small, hence ELAS+. The world is changing and we have to change with it. We already fund trans and indigenous women and men and it is time to bring this representativeness to the Council. It's a journey, the world is changing and ELAS+ has its doors open to change."

Madalena Guilhon

See also

History of Elas+

Conheça nossa governança e quem faz parte dela:


Órgão máximo da governança composto por fundadoras e associadas

Conheça as integrantes

  • Amalia Fischer
  • Maria Madalena Guilhon Macieira de Barros
  • Izabel Ferreira
  • Neusa das Dores Pereira
  • Helena Theodoro
  • Wânia Sant’Anna
  • Vania Narciso
  • Celia Cruz

Conselho Deliberativo

Órgão da visão e da deliberação estratégica

Conheça as integrantes

  • Helena Theodoro (presidenta)
  • Maria Madalena Guilhon Macieira de Barros (vice-presidenta)
  • Rita Andrea
  • Suzimar Clementino /
  • Celia Cruz
  • Lam Matos
  • Jaqueline Gomes de Jesus
  • Chirley Pankará

Conselho Fiscal

Órgão da fiscalização, da transparência, da gestão financeira e patrimonial

Conheça as integrantes

  • Lia Blower
  • Renata Couto


O ELAS+ está operando com um colegiado composto pelas profissionais das gerências da organização nas áreas de Programas, Comunicação, Financeiro e Operações, e pela Diretora-Geral do ELAS+, Amalia Fischer, cofundadora da organização.


Amalia Fischer

Ana Hespanhol
Gerente Administrativo e Financeiro

Denise Viola
Gerente de Comunicação

Kelly Vieira
Supervisora de Operações

Savana Brito
Gerente de Programas