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March of the black women 
will have its first national edition in 2015
Scheduled for November 18, 2015, the March of black women takes a stand against racism and violence and for good living.

The black women represent 25% of the Brazilian population, numbering 49 million people, and face the daily problems of a society where many elements of a slave and patriarchal regime still prevail.
Among the biggest problems faced by this social group are issues such as violence, access to quality healthcare and freedom and respect for the worship of African deities. According to Angela Gomes, one of the members of the March's organizing committee, 70% of black women are killed in the home and this is ignored by official data. 
"We're not just demanding the lives of black people. We, black women, are claiming our life project, we have a life project that is not the one that is put there," says Angela. She adds that it was the black population that played a fundamental role in building Brazil. "For 300 years we have had no reparation for our history. On the contrary, black women earn 48% of the salary of white women in the same job," she compared.
And that's not the only difference. The maternal mortality rate does not fall at the same rate as the figures for white women; cases of violence against women are generally not reported; entry into the job market is still very much linked to domestic services; among others. The march will take a stand on these and other issues such as the titling and guarantee of quilombola lands; an end to vexatious searches in prisons and summary attacks on black women in detention centers; the investigation of all cases of domestic violence and murders of black women, with the punishment of those responsible.
Lúcia Xavier, coordinator of the Criola Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) and a member of the Articulation of NGOs of black women Brasileiras (AMNB), says that progress has already been made: the implementation, in recent years, of public policies aimed at the black population. However, now is the time to make sure this reaches everyone. "We already have councils, laws and mechanisms within the state, now we want to show all this and continue with our demands on society as a whole," she said.
Para Lúcia, ainda são muitos os elementos na estrutura social do país que remontam a um regime escravocrata e patriarcal. “Infelizmente, ainda agora, mulher negra e doméstica s