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On World Water Day, a date created on March 22, 1992 by the UN, we need to remember that even today, 923 million people in the world do not have access to safe drinking water - most of them women.

Access to safe water and sanitation is not available equally to men, women and other gender identities, a UN study shows. In almost all locations where sanitation services are lacking or poorly distributed, it is women who collect water to maintain household hygiene.
"The most common situation is that when there is no water in the vicinity of the household, women and girls are often tasked with fetching it from somewhere, which takes a lot of time. In one country I visited, Tajikistan, a study shows that it takes women four to six hours a day to do this," says researcher Leo Heller, the study's rapporteur, noting that this situation reinforces their economic dependence on their husbands, as they are not paid for this time. The long journey also poses risks to these women of suffering attacks from wild animals and sexual violence, especially where they wash their clothes and bathe. 