September 5th is International Indigenous Women's Day. The date was established in 1983, during the Second Meeting of Organizations and Movements of the Americas, in Tihuanacu (Bolivia). The day was chosen because on September 5, 1782, Bartolina Sisa died, a Quechua woman who was dismembered during the anti-colonial rebellion of Túpaj Katari, in Upper Peru. UN Women marked the date by reaffirming its support for indigenous women in their quest for justice and in defense of individual and collective rights.
At the forefront of the struggle to defend their peoples and territories, indigenous women are the target of different rights violations and forms of gender-based violence, such as rape, sexual exploitation, femicide, etc.
They stand out in the political battles for the demarcation of indigenous lands, are increasingly active in political decision-making spaces inside and outside their communities and also in the academic world, but still face sexism and discrimination.
The ELAS Fund has been supporting indigenous women's groups since its foundation - diverse indigenous women from different ethnic groups, territories, ages, histories - recognizing the urgency of strengthening their struggles for rights, dignity and life.
Throughout the month of September we will be paying tribute to indigenous women's groups that are being supported by different ELAS Fund programs. Every Friday we will feature one of these groups on our social media channels. Follow along and share!
* To find out more about the struggle and political Leadership of indigenous women, check out the documentary "Indigenous Women: Voices for Rights and Justice"released by UN Brazil on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.
** Also read Bia Cardoso's article for Blogueiras Feministas: "The leadership of indigenous women and their current challenges".