"The lesbian women's movement is in a moment of rearticulation and strengthening"
KK Verdade, executive coordinator of the ELAS Fund and lesbian activist, talks about her career and the relationship between the ELAS Fund and the lesbian women's movement. Check out the interview in honor of Lesbian Visibility Day.
ELAS in the Exact Sciences is one of the themes of the panel on Women, technology and social transformation at Virada Sustentável
Vanessa Lucena presents ELAS nas Exatas at an event that will debate Leadership women in technology and their importance in social transformation.
ELAS Fund selects Communication Advisor
The ELAS Fund particularly encourages black women, quilombolas, indigenous, traditional communities, LBT, women with disabilities and women living with HIV/AIDS to apply to the organization's selection processes.
KK Verdade presents ELAS nas Exatas at the Girls in Science Symposium at MAST
Também estão entre as palestrantes nossa parceira Sandra Unbehaum, da Fundação Carlos Chagas, e representantes de projetos apoiados no ELAS nas Exatas.
ELAS Fund establishes partnership with Viralize, a platform for the culture of giving in Brazil
“Precisamos chamar gente nova para o jogo democrático, desmistificar questões sobre a doação e sobre instituições sociais, e assim garantir direitos humanos básicos e fortalecer nossa democracia”, diz Rodrigo Bueno, idealizador da Viralize
GIFE launches a series of videos portraying the main challenges for the economic sustainability of civil society organizations
The first video deals with the importance of donations for civil society organizations and features testimonies from other ELAS Fund partners, such as Mafoane Odara, from the Avon Institute, and Eleutéria Amora, from CAMTRA and Abong.
ELAS Fund program manager participates in workshop on Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning in Malaysia
Savana Brito esteve em Kuala Lumpur participando de um Encontro da Comunidade de Prática em Monitoramento, Avaliação e Aprendizagem, da Prospera – Rede Internacional de Fundos de Mulheres.
ELAS Fund greets Clair Castilhos, honored by the Legislative Assembly of Santa Catarina
Clair Castilhos, feminist activist, pharmacist-biochemist, sanitarian, professor, member of the Feminist Health Network, today receives the title of Citizen of Santa Catarina.
Association of Indigenous Women Warriors of Pankararu, supported by ELAS in the Exact Sciences, promotes campaign to end prejudice against indigenous women
"We women have the right to choose our professions and show that we can be independent under any circumstances," say Greiciane dos Santos, Arabela Pereira, Emília Alves and Kerliane dos Santos, members of the project.
Empowerment and access to rights through soccer
Esporte é ferramenta de mudança social no projeto dos Meninos Bons de Bola, apoiado no Edital LBT do Fundo ELAS, que apoia iniciativas de lésbicas, bissexuais e trans em todo Brasil.
International Solidarity of Feminist Funds #SOSNicaragua
Confira comunicado dos fundos de mulheres da América Latina em solidariedade aos movimentos de mulheres da Nicarágua. Disponível em português, espanhol e inglês.
ELAS Fund receives tribute from UN Brazil and UN Women
June's Orange Highlight for concrete actions to combat, prevent and eliminate all forms of violence against women and girls.