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Year-end recess

Year-end recess

The ELAS Fund team wishes 2016 to be a year of peace and prosperity for everyone. We will be on recess between December 21 and January 8. As of January 11, we will resume our activities with renewed energy to continue working for women's rights.

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Check out some of the calls for proposals and awards that are open for registration, as well as the XXI ELAS Fund Project Competition, which is receiving proposals until January 20, 2016.

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Brazilian women for sustainability

Brazilian women for sustainability

Rede de Mulheres Brasileiras Líderes pela Sustentabilidade, que atrai e mobiliza lideranças femininas que atuam em instituições públicas, empresas privadas, multilaterais, organizações governamentais e não governamentais, marca presença na COP 21.

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