UN Women launches series of documentary videos on projects supported by the Speak Without Fear Fund
Série Mulheres Fortalecendo a Lei Maria da Penha (Women Strengthening the Maria da Penha Law Series) records the projects carried out by groups of women leaders from Rio de Janeiro communities supported by the ELAS Fund's XVI Project Competition.
Year-end recess
The ELAS Fund team wishes 2016 to be a year of peace and prosperity for everyone. We will be on recess between December 21 and January 8. As of January 11, we will resume our activities with renewed energy to continue working for women's rights.
Check out some of the calls for proposals and awards that are open for registration, as well as the XXI ELAS Fund Project Competition, which is receiving proposals until January 20, 2016.
Retrospective 2015: a year of struggles and achievements for women Leadership
The ELAS Fund has many reasons to celebrate this year. ELAS celebrated its 15th anniversary, reinforcing its mission to promote and strengthen Leadership women by mobilizing and investing resources in women's initiatives, with innovation, new partnerships and intense exchanges in Brazil and around the world.
Avon Institute survey shows that 2.9 million Brazilian female students have experienced gender-based violence at university
The Avon Institute has launched the Violence against women in the university environment survey, which shows the importance of actions that transform the current discriminatory scenario and promote gender equality among young people.
ELAS Fund and Avon Institute launch 3rd call for proposals of the Speak Without Fear Fund
The new competition, which is the 21st of the ELAS Fund, will support 30 projects aimed at combating domestic violence and will receive applications until January 20, 2016. More than 3 million reais will be invested.
They in the Exact Sciences: ELAS Fund announces results of its XX Project Competition
Ten projects were selected which will be carried out with high school students from public schools and will be aimed at encouraging girls to get involved in the exact sciences and technologies, raising awareness among school management.
Brazilian women for sustainability
Rede de Mulheres Brasileiras Líderes pela Sustentabilidade, que atrai e mobiliza lideranças femininas que atuam em instituições públicas, empresas privadas, multilaterais, organizações governamentais e não governamentais, marca presença na COP 21.
Women and girls are more vulnerable to the impacts of global climate change
Há muito a aprender com a produção familiar, as estratégias de economia solidária, as novas formas de organização produtiva, a pesca, a extração vegetal sustentável, os modos de vida em quilombos, aldeias indígenas ou assentamentos. Para isso, as brasileiras têm muito a falar e ensinar, diz Nadine Gasman.
Brazil Human Rights Fund receives applications for two calls for proposals
FBDH vai doar mais de R$ 1 milhão a projetos de direitos humanos. Propostas serão recebidas até fevereiro e vão passar por um amplo processo de seleção.
16 Days of Activism to End Violence Against Women campaign mobilizes actions across the country
Launched in 1991 by the Women's Global Leadership Center, the campaign aims to promote debate and reflection on the various forms of oppression, discrimination and violation of women's rights.
The price of gender inequality: discrimination against women in the labor market costs the global economy $28 trillion
Relatório lançado pelo McKinsey Global Institute mostra quanto custa excluir as mulheres do mercado de trabalho. Só a América Latina contribuiria com quase 3 trilhões de dólares para o PIB mundial até 2025.