Sheila Sabag, a member of the organization supported by the ELAS Fund, promotes the launch of the #ElesPorElas movement in Santa Catarina
On August 26, the government of Santa Catarina is promoting the launch of the #ElesPorElas movement. Organized by the Santa Catarina State Council for Women's Rights (CEDIM-SC) and the State Coordination for Women (CEM), the event will take place at the Legislative Assembly.
Elas Fund promotes the first Elas nas Exatas National Dialogue
Held in partnership with the Unibanco Institute and the Carlos Chagas Foundation, it is the first national event to bring together educators, researchers and feminist activists to debate gender inequalities in the field of exact sciences.
FRIDA Fund launches call for proposals to support feminist youth groups
Serão apoiados 30 novos grupos de jovens feministas liderados por mulheres jovens cis e trans com até 30 anos de idade. Os grupos devem ter sido formados há até 6 anos.
Elas Fund conducts survey to profile black Brazilian entrepreneurs
With the survey, the Elas Fund intends to help draw up a proposal for a competition aimed at this audience. Take part! The questionnaire must be completed by August 22.
Opportunity for indigenous women: AYNI Fund receives proposals until September 9
O Fórum Internacional de Mulheres Indígenas – FIMI comunica o lançamento da III Convocatória do Fundo de Mulheres Indígenas – AYNI, que apoiará projetos liderados por mulheres indígenas. A seleção priorizará projetos de mulheres indígenas da América Latina e do Caribe, da Ásia e da África.
Afro Fluminense Culture Award will be launched at Terreiro Ilê Omulu Oxum
The call for proposals will reward cultural initiatives by traditional peoples and communities of African origin and other artistic groups working with Afro-Brazilian themes in the state of Rio de Janeiro.
Geraldo Jordão Pereira Award: Rio Institute receives proposals until August 31st
O Instituto Rio, parceiro do ELAS Fundo de Investimento Social, comunica lançamento de edital que vai premiar iniciativas inovadoras nas áreas de cultura, educação e desenvolvimento comunitário na Zona Oeste do Rio de Janeiro.
Dossier Violence Against Women: Patrícia Galvão Institute launches project supported by the Elas Fund
The dossier is the result of the project "Towards contextualized, critical and in-depth journalistic coverage of violence against women and the application of the Maria da Penha Law", supported by the Elas Fund and the Avon Institute through the Speak Without Fear Fund.
Elas Fund participates in articulation for the first March of black women in Brazil
O movimento de mulheres negras, em crescente articulação por todo o Brasil e em parceria com o Fundo Elas, prepara marcha nacional inédita contra o machismo e o racismo em Brasília.
Elas Fund supports mobilization for the International Day of Black Latin American and Caribbean Women
The seminar "Black Women's Voices, Aqualtunes, Nzingas, Dandaras and Acotirenes unleash their voices", supported by the Elas Fund, is one of several events taking place across the country to commemorate International Black Latin American and Caribbean Women's Day.
Network of Independent Funds for Social Justice in search of a new philanthropic culture in Brazil
ELAS Social Investment Fund was present at the 1st International Meeting of the Network of Independent Funds for Social Justice and is committed to partnerships with community funds and foundations that seek social transformation.
Black women workers present: projects supported by the Elas Fund promote unprecedented articulation in the women's movement
The black women Collective of Mato Grosso do Sul (Cmnegras/MS) held a workshop for women from the Sergipe Domestic Workers' Union. The meeting, an unprecedented articulation in the state between domestic workers and the black women movement, brought together 47 women at Casa da Doméstica, in Aracaju.