Building New Partnerships and Promoting Commitment to Women's Empowerment in Amsterdam
We can also say: "we all win" or "you win-we win", in the most perfect translation for the meaning of the title, in English Win-Win, given to the meeting organized by the Ministry of International Cooperation and Trade of the Netherlands, Mama Cash and the Association for Women's Rights and Development (AWID), between 13 and 15 January 2015, in Amsterdam.
Strategic bag
Between January 15 and 19, the Balaio Estratégico took place in Bahia, in the municipalities of Salvador and Cachoeira de São Félix, and consisted of dialogues to empower women's organizations.
Casa da Mulher Brasileira – Tolerância zero com a violência contra as mulheres.
A primeira Casa da Mulher Brasileira foi inaugurada em Campo Grande (MS), no dia 3 de fevereiro passado e é um dos eixos do programa Mulher, Viver sem Violência coordenado pela Secretaria de Políticas para as Mulheres da Presidência da República.
March of the black women will have its first national edition in 2015
The black women represent 25% of the Brazilian population, today they number 49 million people and one of the biggest problems faced by this social group is the issue of violence, access to quality healthcare and freedom and respect for the worship of African deities. According to Angela Gomes, one of the members of the March's organizing committee, 70% of black women are killed in the home and this is ignored by official data.
As part of the strategy to promote new perspectives on feminism and women's rights, using communication as a tool, the AH! THEN I'M A FEMINIST! Campaign launched in January the video March black women, as a mobilization for the event that will take place in November 2015.
2014 Retrospective HERE'S THE END OF THE DAY'S NEWS!
See our retrospective.
16 Days of Activism to End Violence against Women.
The ELAS Fund, in a phase of change, is always attentive to the new times and with the restlessness of someone who is constantly seeking to improve their work on behalf of women.
The Elas Fund was invited to present itself - as a success story - in New York during the week of September 22-26, as part of the dissemination of research on women's rights and relations with companies, carried out by the OAK Foundation, AWID and other partners. The first agenda at the conference, "Women's Moving Millions", was presented by Reuters. Representatives of major corporations were present, including the President of the Avon Foundation in the United States.
First National Dialogue on Domestic Violence
All 31 projects selected in the XIX Elas Project Competition, in partnership and co-creation with the Avon Institute's Speak Without Fear Fund, and institutional support from UN Women and the Secretariat for Women's Policies of the Presidency of the Republic, were present at the Dialogue held in Rio de Janeiro, from 23 to 25 September, at the Hotel Granada. The lectures were wonderful, the workshops very useful and the tables included important names from our media, advertising, the feminist and women's movement, the black movement, foundations, NGOs and the representative of our partner, the Avon Institute, Lírio Cipriani.
There was a lot of work, intense discussion, rich learning and fraternal conviviality!
And now the ELAS Fund is populated by the faces, voices and accents of the projects it supports!
Tribute to Rose Marie Muraro
Brazilian writer and feminist Rose Marie Muraro died last Saturday in Rio de Janeiro. A member of the Honorary Council of the ELAS Fund, she dedicated her life to equal rights for women. In 2005 she was recognized by the federal government as Patron of Brazilian Feminism.
Dialogues on sexual and reproductive rights
The end of May marked the end of a dialogue on sexual and reproductive rights in Brazil. The event brought together women's organizations and networks specializing in the issue to analyze the challenges facing the country and the strategies that need to be developed to prevent setbacks and the loss of rights.