ELAS Fund, UN Women and NGO Empodera launch new call for proposals (invitation letter) to empower girls through sports
2nd ELAS in Sports Call will invest R$632,000 in up to 11 projects in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro
"They want to see us isolated in the Amazon, but through our networks we are intertwined and strengthened
We received a visit from Ruth Costa of the Black Shoe Collective, one of those supported by the Building Movements 2019 call for proposals. Ruth talked to us about the work of black lesbians from the Amazon. Check it out!
ELAS Fund and C&A Institute announce results of the ELAS in Fashion and Without Violence Call for Proposals
21 initiatives led by black women, immigrants, peripheral women, LBTs, domestic workers, rural women, etc. will be supported, which will act to end violence against women and for a fair, inclusive and sustainable fashion.
KK Verdade takes part in ceremony at US Consulate in Rio de Janeiro
The commemoration of National Women's Equality Day celebrated women's struggles and achievements for rights and equality in all spheres of public life.
Donors to women's funds and women's foundations give more, study finds
Pesquisa recém lançada pelo Women’s Philanthropy Institute mostra que as/os doadoras/es de fundos de mulheres são mais engajadas/os e se vêem como líderes na filantropia.
The Women's World Cup is over and it's time to get ready for the Olympics - where are the girls?
Marta, Megan, Futebol e redução de desigualdades. A Parceria entre Fundo ELAS, ONU Mulheres e ONG Empodera apoia projetos que promovem a equidade de gênero e a inclusão de meninas nos esportes.
Registration open for new edition of UVLO multiplier organization training in Rio de Janeiro
Os grupos e organizações participantes do treinamento poderão concorrer à segunda edição do Edital ELAS nos Esportes – Uma Vitória Leva à Outra. Inscrições até 25 de julho.
Challenges to the implementation of the Domestic Workers' PEC are the subject of a debate in Rio de Janeiro
ONU Mulheres, Consulado do México e Fundo ELAS realizaram evento com exibição do filme Roma e mesa de debates com Nair Jane Lima, Creuza Oliveira e Cleide Pinto, ativistas e defensoras dos direitos das trabalhadoras domésticas no Brasil, Ana Carolina Querino e Maurício de Bragança.
UN Women Brazil, Consulate of Mexico and ELAS Fund hold event to commemorate National Domestic Workers' Day
A screening of the film Roma and a panel discussion with Creuza Oliveira, Cleide Pinto and other guests will take place on April 29 at the State Park Library. Admission is free.
Vanessa Lucena presents ELAS Fund at ESPM SP's Women's Week
A gerente de desenvolvimento do Fundo ELAS destaca a importância das parcerias para visibilizar a causa das mulheres: `Ocupar espaços como estes é valioso, pois possibilita a ampliação de nossas redes e o intercâmbio de conhecimentos, saberes e vivências´.
ELAS Fund, UN Women and NGO Empodera announce results of ELAS in Sports - One Victory Leads to Another
Edital que visa empoderar meninas pelo esporte vai apoiar 9 projetos no Rio de Janeiro, que vão atuar em diferentes bairros com futebol, vôlei, handebol, badminton, dança, ginástica rítmica e rugby.
ELAS Fund celebrates partner Nadine Gasman's appointment as Mexico's Minister of Women's Affairs
Nadine has worked in partnership with the feminist movement, taking the agendas of women's movements to the UN. We wish her success in her new phase and thank her for her commitment and contributions to the rights of Brazilian women.