On June 6, the Philanthropy Network for Social Justice, Prospera - International Network of Women's Funds and the ELAS Fund organized the International Seminar "Social justice philanthropy: Investing in women and socio-environmental rights". The seminar brought together representatives of women's funds from Latin America, national foundations and institutes and civil society organizations to debate the scenario of philanthropy for social justice in Brazil and Latin America and to discuss the challenges and achievements in two specific fields of this area: social investment in women's rights and socio-environmental rights.
The panel "Philanthropy for Social Justice: investing in women's rights" presented the promotion of gender justice within philanthropy for social justice, debating the challenges of operating in this segment and promoting a culture of giving aimed at women. After an opening speech by Alexandra Garita (Prospera), there was a panel discussion with Sara Mandujano (Fondo Alquimia/Chile), Laura Garcia (Fondo Semillas/Mexico), Rosana Heringer (ELAS Fund/Brazil) and Daniela Grelin (Avon Institute/Brazil), mediated by Jana Guinond (ELAS Fund/Brazil).
"Philanthropy in Latin America has been characterized by direct assistance to people in situations of marginalization and poverty, largely through churches, and with a "charity" outlook, which has done little to transform the structural causes that leave the vast majority of our populations in situations of economic, social, ethnic and racial inequality, among others. For this reason, the emergence in Brazil and Latin America of women's funds, environmental funds, human rights and racial justice funds, among others, has generated significant changes in the philanthropic world," said Alexandra Garita.
The second panel brought together representatives of women's funds and socio-environmental funds to outline good practices, challenges and perspectives in these two fields in alliance for the advancement of these causes. Maria Amália Souza (Casa Socio-Environmental Fund/Brazil), Maria Estelí González (FCAM - Fondo Centroamericano de Mujeres/Central America), Tatiana Cordero (Fondo de Acción Urgente para América Latina/Colombia), Citlali Barrera (FASOL - Fondo Acción Solidaria/Mexico) and Sandra Villar (Mama Cash) took part in the debate, with Graciela Hopstein (Rede de Filantropia para a Justiça Social/Brazil) mediating.
The event was supported by the Rio Art Museum (MAR).