PT | EN | ES
The Ecumenical Service Coordination - CESE and SOS Corpo - Feminist Institute for Democracy invite grassroots organizations and movements to participate in the selection of projects under the initiative black women e Populares: Traçando Caminhos, Construindo Direitos, which aims to strengthen the organizations of black women and grassroots sectors in the North and Northeast of Brazil.
The initiative aims to encourage organizations and networks of black women and women from the popular sectors of the North and Northeast, strengthened in their collective identity, to take up common causes, as well as giving visibility to their causes and political agenda in the public debate in Brazilian society. It also aims to encourage these organizations to improve their formulation practices and strategies for presenting proposals regarding government policies to combat poverty and for the social inclusion of women and the black population.
Projects must respond to the objective problems or needs of the communities and/or social segments they target, while at the same time seeking to eradicate the fundamental causes of these problems, promoting the realization of economic, political, social, cultural and environmental rights.
Projects that include one or more of the following activities will be considered for support: meetings, seminars, courses, workshops, exchanges, campaigns, mobilizations, promotion and/or participation in events, publications, activities and communication products.
Applications can be submitted until November 30, 2015. Download the project preparation guide and find out how to submit your proposal at
About CESE and SOS Corpo
The Ecumenical Service Coordination (CESE) is a philanthropic organization founded in 1973 whose mission is to strengthen social movements and grassroots groups committed to the struggle for political, economic and social transformations that lead to structures in which democracy prevails with justice, intermediating financial resources and sharing spaces for dialogue and articulation. Find out more on the website.
SOS CORPO - Instituto Feminista para a Democracia is an autonomous, non-profit civil society organization founded in 1981, which aims to emancipate women by contributing to the construction of a democratic and egalitarian society with socio-environmental justice. Its actions are based on the idea that women's movements, as organized social movements that fight for social transformation, are political subjects that bring about changes in the living conditions of women in general. Follow SOS Corpo on its website and Facebook page.