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Supporting the


of women in Brazil



calls for proposals

O ELAS+ reafirmou a confiança nas organizações que apoia quando lançou em 2020, em função da pandemia, o primeiro edital com recurso flexível. O que se caracterizou como uma inovação, se tornou uma prática do ELAS+. Confiamos que elas conhecem seus territórios e podem definir com autonomia onde e como investir em momentos tão desafiadores. Os resultados foram de enorme riqueza, como mostrou a pesquisa “Ativismo e Pandemia no Brasil” realizada pelo ELAS+ com os grupos apoiados e reforçados na Pesquisa Ativismos Feministas e Filantropia Transformativa Pós-Pandemia, lançada em 2023.

calls for proposals

Building Movements 2023

The call for proposals "Building Movements - for solidarity, justice and democracy" registered an all-time record number of applications. There were 1,687 completed forms - a 94% increase compared to the number of organizations registered in 2022.

In this seventh edition, 72 organizations of women cis, trans and other transidentities were selected to receive up to R$50,000 each. In total, there are R$3.2 million in flexible resources for institutional strengthening. Check out the results!

Building Movements 2022

The call for proposals "Building Movements 2022: strengthening solidarity and trust" selected 134 groups led by cis, trans and other trans-identity women who fight daily for social justice, environmental justice, democracy, gender equity, the right to life and happiness.

With extra resources, it was possible to contemplate more organizations than initially planned: there are about R$ 8 million in flexible resources that can be used to strengthen institutions.

Empodera - Fashion Transforming Lives

The Empodera call for proposals is a partnership between ELAS+ and the Lojas Renner Institute and UN Women. In the 2022 edition, 21 groups were selected that work to transform the lives of women and transgender people through fair, inclusive and responsible fashion projects.

The organizations work with fashion in a broad sense, such as plus size, non-binary fashion, affirmation of identities and access to fashion for people with disabilities. The support totals R$ 1.5 million and will be allocated to direct donations to the groups.


Black Women Alliance For an End to Violence

The Public Notice Black Women Alliance Pelo Fim da Violência selected 16 civil society organizations that will receive a direct contribution of R$ 365 thousand to develop their projects.

The objective is to strengthen actions to combat racial violence, with a focus on combating the genocide of the black population and violence against black women and black trans people, in addition to strengthening anti-racial violence communication.