Research reveals that the rate of lesbophobia in the country is still high
In the month in which National Lesbian Visibility Day is celebrated, experts point to the urgent need for public policies...
Building Movements 2023
Dialogue with representatives of the groups selected for Building Movements 2022 With a record number of applications,...
Call for Professional Selection - Resource Development and Mobilization Analyst
Interested candidates should have previous experience of 2 years in the field of resource mobilization, communication, organizational and leadership skills, and a strong commitment to the organization's mission.
Residency in São Paulo, capital, is a requirement to meet local demands and establish relationships with partners in the region.
Black Women Alliance in the United States: international advocacy for justice and an end to racial violence
Intercâmbio estabeleceu parcerias e simbolizou o compromisso de luta pelo direito a uma vida livre de opressões Entre...
Natural disasters increase gender discrimination
Estudo sobre impactos das calamidades ambientais revela que mulheres são as que mais sofrem Eventos climáticos...
French researcher visits the headquarters of ELAS+ and praises the strengthening of feminist movements in Brazil
Jules Falquet, a French feminist and member of the Department of Philosophy at the University of Paris 8, has followed the process of creating ELAS+ and said she was impressed by the results achieved in these 22 years.
Four million domestic workers are in the informal sector
Categoria considera que a fiscalização da lei e conscientização das mulheres sobre os próprios direitos são um grande...
"It is essential that the school contributes to building a fairer society, in which girls and boys have the same opportunities"
Em entrevista exclusiva, superintendente do Instituto Unibanco, Ricardo Henriques, fala sobre a importância da...
Private investment to combat racism is still small
In the set of actions for the month of Black Consciousness, ELAS+ Giving for change holds an event to encourage anti-racist stance among social investors
Lack of official data hinders support for
LGBTQIAP+ population
Projetos de apoio e de proteção ficam a cargo de organizações da sociedade civil. ELAS+ lança edital para fortalecer...
black women are the main victims of femicide in the country
Aliança Negra Pelo Fim da Violência reúne ativistas para debater estratégias de enfrentamento. Pelo menos uma pessoa...
Parintins folkloric festival returns after two years and honors president of the Parintins Board of Directors. ELAS+
Helena Theodoro receberá honras do Boi Garantido e participa da Jornada de Folkcomunicação na Amazônia. Após dois anos...